“Then why did you go to meet him?”
“I was curious about what he meant.”
“What if he said something you didn’t like and you decided to silence him? What if you were in the water, not to rescue him but to drown him?”
She gasped at the absurdity of the detective’s words. “You’ve got this all wrong.”
“He was heard arguing with someone on the beach about thirty minutes before you found him.” The detective’s gaze never left her. “Were you that person?”
Panic raced through her as the detective’s implications hit her. “I wasn’t arguing with Jared earlier. It’s like I said, I didn’t know him. I’d never met him before. I’m still not sure why you think his death was anything other than an accident.”
“We’re just exploring every possibility.”
“I had nothing to do with his death. Nothing.” Maddie sliced her hand through the air as she shook her head, trying to drive home the truth in her statement.
“One more thing. A piece of paper was found in his room.” He paused, possibly for dramatic effect before finishing with, “Your name was scribbled on it.”
The blood drained from Maddie’s face. “What? Why would my name be on a paper in his room?”
“That’s what we’re all wondering.” The detective’s words sounded pointed as he stood. “I’ll be in touch if I have more questions.”
Maddie knew what that meant.
She was a suspect.
Panic raced through her, quickening her pulse.
How was this even possible?
I watch everyone around me.
How can I not? I need answers.
Jared’s death didn’t go as I planned, thanks to Little Miss Perfect.
Now I must do recon.
Until this evening, I hadn’t known Jared had texted Maddie. What an idiot.
Did he think I wouldn’t find out?
Why had he planned it so close to the time we were meeting?
The man had no common sense. If he was going to try to play in the big league, he should have thought things through a little more.
I’d bet a million bucks—if I had that much—that he’d been planning on trying to get money from Maddie also. Or maybe a favor from her fiancé.
It’s anyone’s guess at this point.
I’m just glad he’s out of the way. People that dumb don’t deserve to live.
I’ve been listening to all the chatter around me.
And I’m so glad I’m close enough to hear the detective talking to Maddie now.