Page 138 of Vacation Friends

Despite the tension across her chest, she continued. “That day, I realized exactly what had been happening. I tried to stop Kevin.” Maddie’s voice cracked at the memories. “I pushed him away, and when I did, he fell and his head hit the corner of the counter. He hit it hard. I . . . I never intended to kill him. I was just trying to keep him away from my Poppy.”

“So that’s why you got that job helping other elders who were abused.” Josh pressed his lips together, appearing apathetic at the realization. “I guess it all makes sense now.”

This didn’t seem like the time or the place to be having this discussion.

This conversation was distracting her from more important issues.

She leveled her gaze with Josh again. “Why did you text me?”

“I’m telling you, I didn’t tell you to come out here. I got a text saying I needed to come or more of my secrets would be exposed. I made up some flimsy excuse to the board members who were cross-examining me about my love life and came right away.”

Maddie knew the truth. Josh had done so out of desperation to save face. He didn’t want any more secrets revealed.

But Maddie still had more questions. “You didn’t know a camera was in your room?”

He eyed her. “Of course, I didn’t. Did you?”

“No, but I found one in my room last night. I didn’t even consider there could be one in your suite also.”

Josh squinted. “So what exactly is going on? Why are the two of you out here? Why are there ropes on the ground?”

Before Maddie could answer, something hard pressed into her back.

Her muscles tightened as reality hit her.

She’d misjudged this situation, hadn’t she? Seriously misjudged it.

“I really just need both of you to stop talking,” a voice growled. “Now.”



Maddie knew exactly who the voice belonged to.


She didn’t dare move. She couldn’t chance setting the woman off.

“What are you doing?” Josh demanded, an air of entitlement to his voice.

Maddie hoped his sharp words didn’t get them both killed.

“I’m doing what’s only fair.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Josh asked. “What’s fair about you holding me and Madison at gunpoint?”

“She hates the name Madison. It’s Maddie, you idiot! And you really don’t have any idea what’s going on, do you?”

“I’m pretty sure you’ve lost your mind, but that’s not what you’re referring to, is it?”

Maddie pressed her eyes shut. “Josh . . .”

Didn’t he have more sense than this? This was no time to set Adrienne off.

“No, let him ask questions,” Adrienne said. “I would be more than happy to explain things.”

“I’m all ears,” Josh said.