Page 128 of Vacation Friends

She squeezed her phone harder and leaned against the buckling kitchen counter.

She’d worked this morning, and it had been a particularly rough day, especially with her morning sickness. She’d had to leave the floor a couple of times to throw up. Unfortunately, it had been in the middle of helping clients. Very entitled clients.

They hadn’t been happy, and her boss had given her a stern lecture.

Cecilia hadn’t wanted to say yet that she was pregnant. She wanted to wait a while longer just to make sure the baby was okay.

But what if she got fired? Then what would she do?

Maybe she could go see Garrick again. She knew the last time she’d gone to his office had been a mistake. But what if this time she simply waited outside the office for him? Then when he left work she could surprise him and maybe they could go to dinner together.

That sounded like a nice idea.

Yes, maybe that was what she would do.

Waiting outside wasn’t as intrusive as rushing into his office. He would understand that.

This time, Cecilia fixed herself up before she went. She wanted to make sure she knocked the socks off him when they saw each other.

She dressed in his favorite color again—red.

Then she sprayed on her favorite perfume and put on that ruby necklace Garrick had given her.

She flashed a grin in the mirror. She didn’t quite have that pregnancy glow yet. She felt too sick. But she hoped Garrick would find that sexy when it finally happened.

She touched up her red lipstick one last time before hurrying out the door.

By the time she arrived at his building, it was dark outside. Thankfully, this area of town was fairly safe. Especially compared to where she lived.

She dreaded the walk back home afterward.

Maybe one day she could see his apartment here in the city. Maybe even stay there. After all, it had to be a lot nicer than hers. And in a safer area of town too.

It was strange she hadn’t seen it yet. Why was that?

Garrick had always told her it was nothing to be excited about. He’d insisted that he was immaculately organized at work but, in return, a messy slob at home. That his place wasn’t suitable for a woman for that reason.

He’d insisted it was better if they dined at restaurants or went to his summer house. Once they’d even gotten a hotel room here in the city.

It had been fantastic.

Cecilia reached the doors to his building and paused. She would wait here. Look casual.

She knew now which office was his. She’d counted the floors to find his. Had seen the light on in his corner office.

But it was too high up to see anything else.

She rubbed her belly again as she often did these days.

She wondered what they might name the baby. If it would be a boy or girl.

She imagined she and Garrick sitting on the couch and talking about ideas. She’d always loved the name Samuel. And if it was a girl, Olivia.

What would Garrick think about those names?

She hoped he liked them also.

Finally, twenty minutes after Cecilia arrived, the light in his office flickered off.