Page 116 of Vacation Friends

Yes, that was what it was.

None of it had been real.

He glanced around again before his gaze stopped at her hand. “I’ll need the ring back if you’re not going to wear it.”

“That might be a little difficult.” Maddie’s throat tightened.

How was she going to tell him what happened? Would he even believe her given the tension between them?

“Someone stole it,” she finally said.

“What?” His voice rose. “What do you mean?”

“I mean exactly what I said. Someone took it. I left the ring in my room, and when I came back, it was gone.”

His nostrils flared, but he kept his voice low this time. “You sure you just didn’t pawn it? I always knew you only liked me for my money.”

Fire ignited inside her at his accusation. “You know that’s not true. I have never asked for one dime from you.”

“No, you were just waiting until the big day, weren’t you? It’s probably the only reason you agreed to stay together for as long as you did.”

“That statement does not even deserve a response.” Irritation simmered in her voice. “Just call your insurance company. They’ll get it sorted out.”

The startled look on his face said it all.

She shook her head. “You didn’t take out insurance on a two-carat diamond ring?”

His gaze darkened again. “Why would I? I never expected you to take it off your finger.”

Josh was unbelievable. Again, this was going to be her fault in his eyes.

“I need to go.” She brushed past him.

He started to call for her, but Maddie raised her hand to cut him off.

He didn’t appear to know about Logan yet. But he’d find out soon.

Would he cry for his lost lover?

Maddie didn’t know. She didn’t know what parts of him were real.

Given everything that had happened, would he be named the new CEO tonight? Would he get everything he wanted despite his bad behavior? Would they delay the ceremony in light of everything that had happened?

She didn’t know. Truthfully, she didn’t care. She just wanted to go home.

Maddie went back to her room, more cautious now when she stepped inside, than she had been earlier.

But there were no notes under her door.

No scary movies on the TV.

And nothing appeared to be missing.

She should feel relieved, but she didn’t.

There was more to come. She was sure of it.

Her phone buzzed, and she glanced at the screen.