Page 76 of Vacation Friends

If she was caught doing this . . .

She couldn’t complete that thought. It would be ugly.

But this opportunity had practically been handed to her.

She went toward the lounger and sat next to the computer.

The laptop was still on.

It seemed irresponsible for Darla to leave it like this, Maddie mused. Especially since there were so many company secrets that management was protective about.

But Maddie wasn’t complaining. This was her chance to snoop.

She quickly glanced at the screen and found the emails app. She clicked on the icon.

The screen changed as emails filled it.

Maddie quickly scanned them, looking for anything from Jared.

She spotted his name.

Her heart beat harder.

Maddie glanced around one more time, just to be certain.

Still no Darla. But she didn’t know how much time she had until the woman returned.

Maddie scanned the messages from Jared and frowned.

These had nothing to do with his death, at least not as far as she could tell. They were all about Jared wanting to go to a Mexican restaurant to celebrate his birthday with his coworkers. He mentioned something about wearing a sombrero and having everyone sing to him.

Had he been drunk when he typed some of this? That was how it sounded.

No wonder Darla had said the messages were strange—strange but not threatening or suspicious, however.

Disappointment pressed on her.

Maybe there were others . . .

She glanced around one more time, but Darla was nowhere in sight.

Quickly, she scanned the rest of the woman’s emails. Maddie’s gaze stopped on one from Nico.

Out of curiosity, she clicked on it.

Her eyes widened as she read Nico’s words.

I’m glad to hear I have your support. I assure you if I’m promoted to CEO that you will benefit. I truly believe you deserve to be one of Benchmark’s vice presidents. Your talent has gone unnoticed for too long. But not by me.

Maddie’s heart pounded in her ears as she comprehended those words.

Darla was rooting against Josh becoming CEO?

Maybe Maddie shouldn’t be shocked, but she was.

How many other people were nice to Josh’s face while secretly plotting his career demise?

Would someone want him to fail enough that they might even try to kill him? Or sideline him by injuring Maddie?