Page 132 of Vacation Friends

She’d seen enough.

She turned to leave.

But she’d only taken three steps when the sound of the video changed.

She froze, part of her subconscious realizing what she was listening to. Another part refusing to accept it.

As if on autopilot, she slowly turned.

A video of her and Josh appeared on the screen

A video of them in his hotel room.

Arguing about their relationship. About Logan.

Her room wasn’t the only one that had cameras planted in it. So had Josh’s.

Their break-up had been recorded and was now airing for everyone to see.

“I didn’t do anything to Jared,” Maddie said. “You know that.”

“It doesn’t matter what I know,” Josh shot back. “What matters is what other people think.”

“I thought the most important thing for you would be me, not your reputation and how this would make you look. I was only trying to watch out for you when I didn’t tell you.”

“I’ve told you everything that’s involved here!” Josh yelled. “It’s almost like you want to ruin this retreat.”

“I want to ruin your retreat? Why would I want to do that? I didn’t even want to be here, but you talked me into coming. All so it would look good for you and increase your prospects for becoming CEO.”

“When you tried to break things off with me, I explained I was going through a rough patch. I thought you understood and cared about me enough to give us another chance. I guess I was wrong.”

“And I thought you cared about me enough to remain faithful,” Maddie said. “But I guess I was wrong.”

“What?” Josh asked. “What does that even mean?”

“It means I know about all your extra little rendezvous. I’m not stupid!”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Stop lying,” Maddie said. “Let me start with you and Logan.”

“What about her?”

“Don’t play stupid. Everyone knows about the two of you, and you aren’t even keeping your feelings a secret. I thought you were smarter than that. Or did you think I wouldn’t notice?”

“What did you expect me to do?” Josh asked. “You became so cold and distant. Don’t you realize how important sex is to a man?”

“Don’t you realize how important it is to a woman that you respect her boundaries? That you remain faithful?”

Two board members ran toward the back of the Grand Lawn, waving at the tech guys to stop the video. But the guy behind the computer shook his head and threw his hands in the air as if things were out of his control.

Who had done this?

The video finally stopped, but the silence only emphasized the murmurs running through the crowd.

Maddie took a step back, embarrassed to face anyone.

She glanced at Josh. His cheeks were red, and his nostrils flared.