"Touchy, touchy." Mariah's face split into a wide smile. "That's the Janie I know and love."

Mariah was one of the few people unfazed by her temperament. The younger woman didn't take shit personally. She didn't expect Janie to be something she wasn't. That's part of why Janie moved to Moss Creek when Mariah told her about the job at The Inn. If there was anyone in this world she didn't mind being around, it was Mariah.

As luck would have it, she accidentally crossed paths with Dianna—the owner of The Baking Rack—soon after her arrival, finding another person who took her as she was. They'd had a little bit of a tumultuous start, but once they were over the hump, Dianna moved into the second place spot of people she didn’t mind being around.

But now that podium was starting to get a little crowded, and Mariah had a little competition for her first place spot.

"At any rate, I'm glad you didn't come in looking miserable this morning. I know the beginning of your period is always tough for you." Mariah started cracking eggs into a huge stainless-steel bowl. “I’m glad this one isn’t hitting you as hard.”

Her periods were infamous among the people she knew and worked with. There was no hiding the way they affected her—and ultimately, everyone around her. “Me too. Hopefully last month was just a fluke and things won’t go back to the way they used to be.”

“I hope so.” Mariah shot her a sympathetic look as she continued cracking eggs. “I hated seeing you suffer and not being able to do anything to help.”

“There’s not much that can be done.” She’d tried just about everything over the years. Spent more than a few nights in the ER over the pain and sympathetic reactions from the organs unlucky enough to be in the same area code as her misbehaving uterus. “I’m just glad I haven’t had bladder spasms again.” They were the final straw that led to the surgery Devon saw evidence of the night before.

Her stomach clenched, belly flipping at the memory of how he brushed his lips over her scars. Had a man ever been so sweet to her? Had anyone?

No. They hadn’t. And part of that was probably her fault. She didn’t give off sweet vibes. Just bitter, cynical ones.

"I know you tried just about everything there is, but I read an article the other day about how orgasms are actually great at helping to relieve cramps." Mariah paused. "I know your cramps aren't normal cramps, but every little bit might help."

"Interesting." It was something she'd actually heard before, but the thought of letting anyone near her lower half this time of the month had her vagina sealing itself off. Usually.

Normally she would never attempt to have sex the day before her period was set to start. Everything from her belly button down was gearing up to be a complete bitch, and having some guy cram his dick up in there didn't feel the tiniest bit pleasurable.

But she'd wanted so much to be close to Devon last night. To share something intimate. And thank goodness she had. Because, holy cow. Not only had Devon gone down on her like a champ, but he didn't just think about himself when it came time to actually fuck. He genuinely wanted her to enjoy herself too, and was willing to think outside the box to make it happen.

Technically, he was also thinking inside the box.

And she'd gotten off twice because of it.

Was that why she didn't have a uterus shaped monster trying to claw its way out of her body this morning? The theory was worth considering.

"Speaking of orgasms." Collecting one of the day-old loaves of bread from the counter, she used a serrated knife to begin cutting it into bite-size pieces for the savory egg casserole Mariah had planned for breakfast. "How are things going with the baby cowboy?"

"Okay, I guess." Mariah dropped a whisk into the bowl of eggs and began stirring them together. "He's been kind of busy this week, so I haven't gotten the chance to talk with him much." There was something off in her tone. An edge that made it seem like there was more to this story.

Janie scowled down at the bread as she sawed through it. “What in the hell does he have to do that’s keeping him so busy?”

Mariah shrugged.

“Does he have kids?” Janie’s good mood was starting to dissipate. “A house to maintain? Is he taking college classes? Has he started volunteering at a homeless shelter?” All would be reasonable explanations for why a man might not have a ton of spare time. But even then they’d still be excuses. The same kind of excuses she’d accepted for years. “If a man wants to see you, he makes it happen.” Devon had all kinds of things eating up his time, and he still found room to see her.

Mariah was silent beside her, jaw tense as she chopped through a pile of mushrooms.

Janie didn’t want to upset her friend further, but for the first time in her life, she had useful advice to offer. “If he wanted to, he would.” She’d faced down enough men who didn’t want to be in her life, and if she could save her friend from the same fate, she would. “If you’re important, he’ll find a way to spend time with you.”

Mariah’s next chop is a little more aggressive. “So what you’re telling me is, I haven’t been important to any of the guys I’ve ever been with.” She hacked through another mushroom cap. “Because if that’s true, it would suck a bag of dicks.”

She’d had a similar sort of revelation before coming to Moss Creek. With one difference. “I’m sure there were some who wanted to be up your crack.” Janie blew out a breath. “But if your luck is anything like mine, they were probably asshats.”

Mariah snorted. “Even the asshats don’t want to spend time with me, I guess.” She swiped the pile of mushrooms into a waiting pan, the sizzling scent of them browning filling the kitchen in just a few seconds. “I just thought that was how men are now. They expected us to chase them.”

“You shouldn’t have to chase anyone. You are fucking awesome.” Janie turned to her friend. “If a man can’t see that, he’s too stupid to waste your time on anyway.”

Mariah gave her a sad smile. “Thanks.”

It was a hard lesson to learn, but if she could spare Mariah the years of frustration and broken hearts she’d suffered through, it would be worth the pain she saw in her friend’s eyes now. “I’m not trying to shit on your show. I just want you to be with someone who treats you like the fucking queen you are.”