Her eyes grow wider. “You did what?”

I gesture for her to keep following me. “I’ve wanted a place of my own for a while now.”

“While I don’t really hold it against people, I found it odd that someone as well off as you still lived with your parents.”

“Yeah, but perfect cabins don’t spring up overnight. You gotta work hard on them. Hunter and Bear have been going back and forth with me to get the place built. I’ve had to run a lot of contractors out here too, so I used all the connections I’d made over the years to make it happen.”

“Aw, didn't you want to do it all yourself?”

“Tabitha, I’m sorry to admit I have no idea how to install a toilet or how to do proper wiring and I don’t want a haphazard job for the place where I hope my future family will grow.”

She giggles. “It looks amazing.”

“It’s my passion project. It’s completely unlike all the massive luxury estates that are asked of me.” We reach the stone walkway that leads up to the front door. “I made sure this was as environmentally friendly as it could possibly be, complete with sustainable energy and water supplies. Not completely off the grid, but it needs as little of the grid as possible.”

“Sounds like you’re trying to kiss up to the hippie in me.”

“Hey, I’ve always had a hippie in me too. And that’s why I adore you so much, Tabitha.” We reach the front door. “You’re everything I want in a woman. The perfect woman to build a life and a family with.”

I wrap my arms around her hips, and bring her close. Her eyes meet mine, and we gaze deeply. A knowledge, an understanding. We know and desire one another on a deep, spiritual level, more intense than I ever thought possible.

Our kiss follows. God, I’ll never grow tired of her lips on mine. I want her. I need her.

We stumble into the cabin. The big hold up on me doing all this was really getting some baseline furniture. Bringing in stuff from the city took a bit, but the rest of what goes in here I’m sure will be made by Tabitha, handcrafted from the verdant resources of Evergreen Valley itself.

Our hiking bags drop, the ruse of this being a deep forest hike now over. I hoist her up and carry her to the bedroom, well prepared for what I was planning all along. Clothes start to drop as we tumble toward the bed, both of us giggling madly.

We hit that fancy big king-sized mattress in only our underwear, and even that isn’t going to last for long. We’re rolling along, giggling, and laughing.

“This is the first time we’ve been together in an actual bed, isn’t it?” I wonder aloud.

“I think so? You’ve taken me in countless spots around the forest, the bed of your truck, and that one time behind the bar because we were giddy and couldn’t control ourselves?”

“Sounds about right. It’s amazing if I can ever control myself around you, Tabitha.”

I’m forever stunned about how beautiful she is. Her hair is as bright as the sun and yet seems so utterly dim when compared to her smile. The hair is so soft, so luscious as I run my fingers through it, its scent majestic. I want to wake up every morning with my face full of it.

Tabitha’s hands go down my body, over my muscles, to my boxer-briefs, intent on finally fully stripping me. My cock enjoys its freedom, springing forth hard and ready for her, and her gentle caress challenges me not to just explode immediately as if I’m some teenager with no self control.

With her other hand, she unhooks her bra and lets those marvelous tits of hers fall free, and I can’t help but be as captivated by them as I was when I saw them for the very first time. They go so well with the rest of her curves, her being such the most beautiful definition of a woman I’ve ever known. I can’t help but lean in and kiss each tit, suckle on them so wonderfully, and watch her shudder underneath that pressure, and the anticipation of what is to come. Hearing her coo is one of the sweetest sounds I’ll ever hear.

I continue my descent, sliding down her form, pulling down her panties as I go. She’s always so eager to fully strip herself for me. True love is when the enthusiasm you have for someone is only matched for their enthusiasm for you in return. I bring my face to her sex, kiss her on the clit, and watch as she briefly shudders for me. She’s already so dripping wet for me that I could just plunge my cock deep inside of her right now, but I’m never going to settle for just good enough when it comes to Tabitha.

Tongue pushing past her folds, hands massaging her thighs, even my nose tenderly nuzzling her clit, I put my mind and focus entirely into her pleasure. My tongues lashed at her with a steady, strong pace, every little moan of hers enticing me to go at her harder and harder. I hold her steady as her body tosses and turns against me, the pressure and pleasure of it all being too much for her to just take it quietly.

Her legs cross around my head, and she pulls at my hair in desperation. She’s singing my praises, and I just keep licking, massaging, loving, and most importantly worshiping her like the very goddess she is. She sings a beautiful song, calling out my name in a less coherent and coherent fashion. It’s truly an adrenaline rush, even as it starts to come out as ‘Fucks, Fax, Fulch’. She’s just enjoying this so much her brain is breaking from the intensity of it all.

It’s not long until she hits her highest of highs and is moaning just the most wonderful, visceral sounds. She’s hit her climax and I make sure to wring every single bit of bliss I can out of it for her. There is no amount that is too much for her, she deserves everything, and even everything isn’t enough.

She’s laid out flat on the bed before me, already very satisfied. A lesser man would have been happy with that, but no, I need to make her cum again. I need to feel her around me, in all of her tightest glory.

My cock has been throbbing with need from the taste of her juices, knowing what’s in our near future. I lean over her, my body pressed against hers. We share another kiss, her not caring that my lips are already soaked in her juices. My chest pressed against her soft breasts, my hands in hers. It was all so sweet and wholesome, clashing so profanely with how intensely adult it’s about to become.

“Take me,” she whispers. “Fuck me. Claim me once again. I’m yours, now and always, Fox.”

I pur, bringing my cock toward her slit. She seductively rubs herself and spreads her folds, as if her words weren’t enough to express her intense desire for me. I bring my sex toward hers, and soon, we become one.

Fuck, she’s so intense. She squeezes me so wonderfully, her hot pussy the closest thing to heaven on Earth that I could ever comprehend. After a brief moment of just enjoying the majesty of it all, I start to give her what both she and I want. Every stroke, from the most tender and slow of the first to the rapid fucking of pure lust are appreciated all the same, the sweet symphony between us so goddamn wonderful.