With how our libidos match and how we connect wordlessly on such a deeper level?

Goddamn does Fox feel like absolutely the man for me. At the heights of our passion, I can look past any worries I have for why he might not be.

Harder, faster. My back arches up into him, and he’s so quick to hold me close. I feel his heartbeat against my back, even through all the other intense sensations that we’re experiencing at that moment. I lean back into him, and turn my neck, just to get a bit more of the intensely sweet sugar that is his lips.

The ecstasy rising inside me is too much to contain, too powerful. I’m crying out for him, screaming for him, being pushed to my very limits. I’m panting, gibbering incoherently, and he keeps going. He keeps fucking me. He’s so dedicated. I love him like nothing else.

When I hit those final highs, I feel like I scream so loud that the entire world should be able to hear me. Searing pleasure overwhelms me so completely, this bliss somehow being even greater than everything I had experienced before this.

Fox is always right there with me, so perfectly attuned to my very being. His cock throbbing, pulsing, filling me with his very need. Its heat is always the cherry on top of something so utterly excellent.

Heavy panting, both of us covered in sweat so thick that it’s clearly not just water from the pond. We make no moves to break our embrace. A man holding his woman so closely after fucking her, seeding her, there’s nothing more natural that that.

Beyond the metaphors of nature though, I feel sanctuary in the arms of Fox. Our love has been wildly blooming these past few weeks, and we’ve spread it through the wilderness, etching our fabric in the deep forests of Evergreen Valley.

I wonder when we will be able to share our love with the people.

Because we aren’t just mammals. We’re human beings. Social creatures, with more people we love and care for than just one another. Friends, family, and so much more.

I can’t escape my worries. It feels like he’s hiding me, almost.

No. I push the negative thoughts away. I enjoy the love for what it is.

Because no matter what happens, I’m sure I’ll never forget the sheer joy and pleasure that Fox has brought to my life.



That girl has shown me so much that I don’t even know how to begin to match her knowledge.

And she’s a city girl, no less. She just visited Evergreen Valley every few weekends.

I think I have a trick up my sleeve, though.

I’m sitting on the tailgate of my truck as I’m waiting for her, another nature hike. I’m giddy with anticipation for her as I see her pull up.

Fuck, she’s so hot. I want to just take her inside and pin her to the bed and take her now. And she’d like that too.

As she exits her car though, I can sense a bit of dread about her.

Well, not everyday can be perfect sunshine and rainbows. That’s just how life goes sometimes.

Even if she is the source of my sunshine and rainbows.

As she meets eyes with me, she puts on her best face, smiling right back at me. It’s what I prefer to see, but I worry about that dour demeanor she had. I’ve never been the best at approaching these sorts of things delicately, and I really didn’t want to practice with the girl who may well be the one.

“So, you ready to take the lead, Fox?” she asks, her small hiker’s pack over her shoulder.

“Damn right I am. I’ll prove to you I’m a Evergreen Valley native yet.”

She tilts her head in concern. “You take people assuming you aren’t personally.”

I shrug. “I’ve been given a lot of shit about it. I didn’t choose to move away as a teenager. That’s all my old man’s doing.”

She raises an eyebrow. “Yeah, you’ve mentioned that. But you don’t talk about your father much otherwise.”

I nibble my lip. “What’s there to talk about? He decided things when I couldn’t. I’m still reliant on him for employment.”