With a cry, he slammed his cock as deep as it would go, the thick rod pulsing wildly. Heat filled my belly as he came. The sensation pushed me over the edge. Even though I was barely touching myself, I came so hard that the first shot went clean over my head. The second striped my face, but I barely noticed. Wave after wave of pleasure crashed over me, driving out all other sensation or thought. Stars burst in my vision and I was completely lost in the intensity of the moment.
The feeling of lips against mine pulled me back to reality. Josh had collapsed on top of me, his cock still wedged deep inside me. He kissed me until he went soft enough to pull out. There was a rush of cum that followed, the hot sticky liquid running down my ass. I didn’t know something so simple could be so fucking hot.
He pulled away from me at last, falling onto the bed beside me. Both of us took a moment to recover and tried to catch our breaths. I wasn’t sure how long we’d been going at it, but it felt like I’d run a marathon with a baseball bat in my ass.
“Fuck…” I sighed at last. “That was hot as hell.”
“You’re so tight,” Josh laughed. “I couldn’t last.”
“A few more sessions with you and I’ll loosen up a little bit. I’m gonna have to if I want to keep taking that giant hog of yours.” I paused, turning over to look at him. “You… You’re okay, right?”
“I’m fucking great,” he replied without missing a beat. “That was the best sex I’ve ever had.”
“Hey Andy?”
“I know you felt it too but… would you be happy being my mate?” He looked over at me, his brown eyes full of worry. “I know I’m a fucking mess…”
I held a finger to his lips, silencing him. “I have always wanted to be your mate,” I replied. “Since the moment I met you.”
I nodded. “And you just sort of marked me… so…”
“I guess it’s official then,” he smiled. And it wasn’t just any smile, it was a real smile. The first one I’d ever seen him put on. “You’re my mate.” He kissed me again. “All mine.”
Chapter Eighteen: Josh
It’s amazing how fast you can get used to something so totally new and different. Three days ago I was trying to convince myself that I didn’t like Andy in a romantic way. Now, I couldn’t think of him in any other way except as my mate. He was mine. And that filled me with more joy than I thought possible.
I’d barely left his side since that night on the beach. Each day I woke up in his bed, went to work with him, and went back to his bed when the day was done. I only stopped at the hotel once in a while to pick up clothing or something I’d forgotten. Even Sam had started to notice my absence. To his credit, he kept his lips sealed about the entire thing. I had a feeling Andy told him to zip it. But honestly, I was starting not to care.
Being perceived as gay a few days ago might’ve bothered me. But now I felt just as much pride about having Andy as my boyfriend as I did about my cooking skills. I didn’t care if people knew and I wasn’t going to waste a kiss or an affectionate touch from my mate on the off chance that someone might be rude. Besides, everyone who’d ever known me was on the other side of the state and they didn’t want me, anyway. Here in Shifter Grove I could be whatever I wanted, and I wanted to be Andy’s mate.
That’s why, on our way to the farmer’s market that morning, I let Andy know that I was okay with him sharing our relationship with Ace and Matt. I didn’t want to hide it anymore, least of all from people I knew I could trust. They’d proven that more than once.
“Are you sure you’re ready for this?” Andy asked as we pulled into the parking lot and up to our designated space. “Once the cat’s out of the bag… it’s gonna spread.”
“Sam already knows anyway,” I replied. “I’m sure people are gonna find out one way or another.”
Andy nodded. “You’re probably right. Although, he’s done a halfway decent job so far. I did sort of threaten him though.”
“Must’ve worked.” I leaned across the center console, kissing Andy deeply. “And I’m ready. I promise. This is what I want.” I paused for a moment. “Are you okay with it?”
He kissed me back. “I’ve been ready for a while.”
Warmth spread through my chest as I kissed him again. My hands, seemingly of their own accord, were instantly under his shirt, my fingers dancing over his beautiful body.
“That’s enough of that,” he laughed, pushing me away. “We’re in public! I can’t sell sticky buns to our customers with a boner!”
“Fine,” I said, giving him a wink. “I’ll back off. But only if I get to make your buns sticky later.”
Andy rolled his eyes at me. “As if you had to even ask.”
With that, he gave me one last kiss and hopped out of the van before I could molest him further. I waited only a moment, rearranging my own cock before I followed after him. Andy was already chatting with Ace when I stepped out. Matt, on the other hand, was getting coffee before the van doors were hardly opened.