“Matt,” he said gently but firmly. “Stop asking me that. I told you, it’s fine. In fact, I’m fucking thrilled.”
“Sorry… I just worry.”
“Well don’t. It was my idea anyway. And I already got the king-sized bed installed, so I didn’t just give up nearly all of my bedroom for you not to move in.”
“You’re sure we won’t bother one another?” I asked, pulling the door closed as we left the room. “I know the house is small and I don’t want to be all up in your business all the time if you want to be alone. You like your alone time.”
“The house sits on five acres,” he smiled. “I think I’ll find somewhere to go if I need some me time. Besides, houses can be expanded. I built this one to make it easy to add an annex.”
“It would be nice to have an office space or an extra room,” I nodded. “Especially with the garden expansion next year. More money means more paperwork.”
“Well, that’s your fault,” Ace laughed. “If you hadn’t come across that CSA model and talked me into it, we wouldn’t have to expand.”
“It’s just such a good idea!” I insisted. “Besides Community Supported Agriculture has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it? You’ve supported the community for years, so it’s time for them to support you back. Plus that means less unhappy customers at the market and you get all the money ahead of time.”
Ace put a hand on my shoulder. “I know, I know,” he smiled. “You’ve explained it to me about thirty times already. Don’t worry, I’m on board.”
“Sorry,” I grinned. “Just excited.”
“I’m glad. And it’s nice to have someone who likes doing those kinds of things. I just want to grow food.”
“You know me. I like to be helpful.”
“Beautiful and helpful? How did I get so lucky?”
Even though he’d been calling me beautiful for months, I still blushed every single time the word left his lips. And I didn’t mind either. It was nice to be appreciated and loved. I’d take as much of it as he would give me. After all, we had the rest of our lives, so I might as well stuff it full of as much love, affection, and great sex that I could stand.
And I could stand a lot.
“On your way out?” Sam’s voice called as soon as the elevator doors opened. He was stationed behind the desk, like always, with a book in his hand.
“I’m checking out for good,” I smiled, tossing him the key.
He caught the key with one hand, his other marking his place in his book without missing a beat. “Just in time, too.”
I furrowed my brows. “Oh? Dying to get rid of me?”
“Actually, I’ll be sad to see you go.” He put the book down and walked around the desk, pulling me into a tight hug. “It’s been nice having you around here.”
“But I have a new guy coming in early tomorrow morning, and he’s taking your room. I need to get everything flipped for him.” He put a hand on the side of his mouth, glancing at Ace. “I’m sure it’s another juicy story, and I can’t wait to hear it.”
“Sometimes I wonder if you started doing this because you care or because you just live for drama,” I said, shaking my head.
“I care about wolves like us,” he nodded. “And I love the drama.”
Ace rolled his eyes. “Sounds about right.”
“Hey, nothing ever happens in this tiny town!” Sam glanced back at me, wincing a bit as I glared at him. “Well… almost nothing. So, I take the drama where I can get it.”
“Can’t you just watch TV like normal people?”
“Gods no,” he laughed, waving his hand at me. “It’s books or the real thing for me. Television will rot your brain.”
“You sound like an old person.”
“Not all of us can be twenty,” he shot back at me. “And naive.”