The man nodded dumbly, his body trembling. For someone who had committed a kidnapping, he sure didn’t seem to be very tough. Either that, or he just wasn’t used to getting caught. I figured it was probably the latter.

A yelp above me brought my attention back to Matt. He’d dropped over the edge of the little sand cliff, landing on the steep hillside below. In a matter of seconds, he had rolled to the bottom. I wanted to rush to him, but I didn’t want to let my prey go. As far as I was concerned, his ass could go sit in jail.

“Are you okay?” I called, pushing myself to a standing position. I kept one foot in the center of the rogue’s chest, fully aware I was still naked. “Are you hurt?”

“I’m okay,” Matt called back, forcing himself to his feet. He swayed for a moment, rubbing the back of his head. “He clocked me real good…”

I growled down at the man, suddenly trading my knee for my foot on his chest. There was a loud crack as my entire body weight landed on him, signaling at least one broken rib. He whimpered in pain, but I didn’t fucking care.

“Why?” I snarled, inches away from his face. “Why did you take him?!”

Matt stepped up beside me, laying a hand on my back. “I’m okay, Ace. Don’t hurt him too bad–”

“Fuck that!” I snapped, punching the rogue hard in the shoulder. “Why are you doing this?!”

“P-Please,” he stammered, clearly shaken. “I w-was hired t-to do it…”

“You were hired to stalk me?” Matt asked, his speech still a little slurred. “And to run me over with your truck?”

Fury flared in my chest. “That was you?!” I punched him again. “WHO HIRED YOU?!”

“A-Alpha Thomas!” he cried, tears streaming down his face. “He said the boy had c-committed a terrible c-crime and had to be dealt with! I n-needed the money and he said I c-could join the pack if I d-did this! Please! I’ve been practically starving for months!”

Now that I took a moment to look at him, I realized he was at least telling the truth about that last part. While he had a big frame, he was mostly skin and bones. It was no wonder he couldn’t even attempt to outrun me or square up with me in combat. He was practically a skeleton.

“That’s the Alpha from my old pack,” Matt said, his voice cracking. “He… He sent someone to kill me…”

“Is that what you were supposed to do?” I barked at the rogue.

He just nodded, a pathetic whine building in his chest. I looked back at Matt, my heart breaking for him as the news sank in. An Alpha was supposed to take care of his pack, to be there for them no matter what. That was their calling in life. And even though Matt was no longer part of the pack, I couldn’t imagine the betrayal he felt in that moment. Not only had they kicked him out, but his Alpha, the one he’d been trusting his entire life to lead him and his family, had tried to have him killed.

I’d never heard of a pack leader taking such extreme actions. Or such illegal ones. There were consequences for doing such things that went far above and beyond the power of an Alpha.

“Listen to me, you stupid motherfucker,” I growled, turning my attention back to the rogue. “I will let you live on one condition. You go back to that asshole and tell him that if he ever sends someone after my mate again, I’ll kill him myself.”

All the color drained from the rogue’s face instantly. “I… I can’t do that!”

“Would you rather have your throat ripped out and your body left here to become seagull food?” I snapped. “This entire town is full of rogue wolves and every single one of them would help me make sure you were never found again.”

He shivered beneath me but finally nodded.

“Good.” I took my knee off his chest. “If I ever see or smell you here again, consider your life forfeit. Understood?”

The rogue nodded, then scrambled away down the beach, clutching his broken ribs. I could smell the scent of blood rolling off him, but he’d be fine. His werewolf healing would make sure of that. And I didn’t fucking care anyway.

I turned my attention back to Matt, wrapping him up in my arms.

“You’re safe,” I said, taking a deep breath for the first time since I realized he was gone. “Thank the moon you’re safe…”

Matt’s body quaked against mine. I glanced down, seeing the tears rolling down his face.

“They… they tried to have me killed…” he sobbed.

“And failed,” I replied, pulling him back against my chest. “No one’s gonna hurt you,” I said, squeezing him tight. “Not while I’m around.”

He just stood there, his forehead resting against my chest as I held him. Behind us, the fireworks continued to crackle and boom in the air, showers of sparks lighting up the beach where we stood. But all of it was forgotten. All that mattered was him, safe in my arms where he belonged.

Everything was going to be okay.