I felt his cock twitch inside me. “Do I have a choice?”

He shook his head. “Not really.”

I kissed him hard on the lips. “One more,” I said. “Just to make sure we did it right.”

“Of course, beautiful.”

Chapter Twenty-One: Ace

Waking up with a warm body next to me in the bed was a strange feeling. But knowing that it was Matt made my heart soar. I ran my fingers down his side, letting them come to rest on his hips. His skin was soft and delicately smooth like he was sculpted from the finest marble. I loved the way he fit against me, his small form curled up against my chest. I’d never thought about having a smaller mate before, but I loved the way I could just completely envelop him in my arms. Not to mention, it made him kind of easy to throw around.

Memories from the afternoon before flashed through my mind, my cock reacting immediately. I lengthened and came to rest against Matt’s ass, pulsing gently against his skin. Instinctively, he pushed back against it, nestling further down my body in his sleep. It was an adorable, albeit hot, reaction. In fact, it could be a really good way to get in trouble each morning. I made a mental note to ask him later how he liked to be woken up. I could think of more than a few ways to take advantage of his natural instincts.

But for now, I’d just hold him. With my chin resting against the top of his head, I stared out through the large sliding glass door next to my bed. It was another beautiful summer day, the sky cloudless as the sun rose higher. Obviously, we’d slept in a bit, which was fine with me. The day after the market was my rest day, and it was a holiday, anyway.

Every year on the Fourth of July, Sam rented out one of the pavilions down at the beach and threw a big barbeque for his past and present guests. And by that, I mean he had the entire thing catered and we all just wandered around eating and drinking until we thought we might explode. For Sam, it was his way of saying thank you to all those who provided the hotel with the things it needed, and I looked forward to it every year. And, after the weirdness of the past week, I figured Matt and I could both use the break to get our minds off things. I just hoped Sam and Andy didn’t take it upon themselves to tease the pair of us to death.

Behind me, I heard my phone buzz on the bedside table. Careful not to disturb my sleeping mate, I reached back and grabbed it, flicking the screen into existence. There was a text from Sam waiting for me.

Sam: You’re both coming tonight, right? I was gonna tell Matt about it, but he never came back last night. So I assume he’s sleeping next to you. :P

It was incredible to me how Sam could not only read my mind but somehow always knew what was going on. More than once, I thought he’d somehow managed to sneak hidden cameras into my house. And if he had, he got to see a lot of dick. So, good for him, I guess.

Me: Yeah, he’s here. And I’ll tell him about it. I’m planning on going.

Sam: Oh good! Everyone’s gonna be there! It’s BYOB, but don’t bother bringing any food. Between less guests and the bumper crop of goods this year from y’all, I had a much bigger budget than I usually do. I rented an entire hog roasting outfit!

Me: We’ll come hungry then.

Sam: Oh, and the park is pretty much ours for the night, I made sure of it. So, if anyone needs to shift and run around, you’re more than welcome

Me: I’ll let Matt know. I think he could use the relief.

Sam: Oh, I’m sure he’s getting plenty of relief from you…

Me: Sam… no teasing him.

Sam: Oh, I know. Andy told me. But that doesn’t mean I can’t tease YOU

Me: Great

Sam: See you tonight! And don’t forget, the fireworks start at ten!

I shook my head as I tucked my phone in between the pillows. Sam always had a way of getting around the rules. But I was glad he knew better than to tease me somewhere that Matt could hear. He was always thoughtful, if not a little too nosy for his own good.

Matt stirred as I wrapped my arms back around him. Groaning, he pushed himself back against my chest. I gave him a soft squeeze, kissing the back of his neck.

“Good morning, beautiful,” I whispered.

“Hi…” he grumbled in return, pulling the blanket up over his eyes.

“Still sleepy?”


“You can sleep longer. I don’t mind.”

He shifted under the blankets, his butt wiggling against my hard dick pressed against his skin. “What’s that?”