Without thinking, I ran at him full tilt, tackled him to the ground, and kept right on running for the water. There was an incredulous bark behind me as he righted himself and came racing after me. We both hit the water at about the same time, splashing and romping until we were in over our heads.
I wasn’t sure if a minute passed, ten, or even an hour. All I knew was that I was having the time of my life running up and down the beach with Ace. We tackled one another, swam through the waves, dug in the sand, and even fought over a few sticks we found lying around. I’d never had so much fun. But I’d also been panting for some time, and I felt like I was finally running out of steam a little bit. The full moon energized me, but I was ready for a little bit of a break.
Breaking into a run, I darted back toward where my bag was left on the beach. It was up near the woodline and cast in shadow, so it wasn’t until I was within twenty feet of it that I realized something was wrong. I skidded to a halt in the sand, my tail straight up in the air as a low growl filled my chest.
There was another wolf there and he had his nose in my bag.
Chapter Twelve: Matt
I stood there frozen, my hackles standing up straight as I watched the strange gray wolf rooting around in my bag. Being downwind of him, I could smell that he was male and that he wasn’t an Alpha. His scent didn’t seem feral to me, although I’d never met a feral wolf, so I couldn’t be sure. There was a low growl building in my chest, but seeing how large he was compared to me, I didn’t feel confident confronting him head-on.
But then the wind suddenly shifted, driving my scent toward him. With a huff, he yanked his head out of my bag, my underwear draped over his nose. His eyes widened as his gaze landed on me, but he didn’t shake the fabric away. Instead, he inhaled deeply, his eyes locked on mine as he did so.
I felt a shiver go down my spine. There was something in his gaze that made my blood run cold. It was a hunger… the kind I’d feared while I was hitchhiking my way up to Shifter Grove. He didn’t want to attack me, he wanted to use me.
With one final snort, he tossed the underwear aside and began to stride my way. He made a wide circle around me, giving me a once-over from all sides. I tried to turn to keep up with him, always making sure my eyes were fixed on his. But with every circle he made around me, he got closer and closer. His tongue lolled out of his mouth, and a wicked smile curled across his lips. I could feel the tension in his muscles as he prepared to pounce.
But before he could, a streak of black came barreling down the beach, hitting him square in the ribs. The gray wolf was lifted off his feet and thrown several yards, a loud yelp echoing from his lips. He skidded to a halt in the sand, his body twisting in an attempt to right himself.
Ace stood in front of me, his ears flat against his head as he growled and barked at the other wolf. His body seemed to swell, the Alpha gold eyes glowing in the darkness. The other wolf, finally back on his feet, only thought about fighting for a moment. As soon as he saw those gold eyes and the wind shifted again, his tail tucked between his legs. With a little yelp of fear, he turned, running across the beach in the opposite direction and disappearing into the woods.
The moment he was out of sight, Ace turned around, little worried whines echoing out of his throat as he looked me over. His nose worked through my fur as he circled me, looking for any hints of damage. Each time he touched me, a little bolt of electricity went through my body. There was something going on I didn’t quite understand. Before I knew it, I felt my wolf form begin to melt away. In a matter of seconds, I was naked on my hands and knees in the sand.
Ace’s muzzle pushed into my neck and I felt him begin to shift as well. His dark fur fell away and his hands came to rest on my shoulders.
“Are you alright?” he asked, a tone of panic in his voice. “He didn’t hurt you, did he? He better not have even touched you.”
It was more of a growl than a word, and it sent a tingle down my spine. Ace was worried about me and even protective of me. I wasn’t sure if it was this weird feeling pulsing through my body or the pull of the full moon, but all I wanted to do was kiss him.
“I’m fine,” I managed to say at last. “He didn’t touch me.”
“Good.” Ace had his hand on the back of my neck, his forehead pressed against mine suddenly. “I’m sorry I wasn’t by your side.”
“It’s okay…”
“No, it’s not!” he suddenly barked. He paused, reeling his emotions back in. “I… I should’ve been there.”
I don’t know what possessed me to ask, “Why?”
“Because…” he began, lifting his gaze to mine. “I feel… connected to you.”
Another tingle ran down my spine. The wind kicked up around us, filling my nostrils with his earthy scent. I felt my body reacting to him, a thickening heat growing between my legs. But all I could do was stare at him. He was so beautiful with the moonlight dancing across his skin. All my pain seemed to melt away in an instant as I was swept up by the deep longing in the pit of my stomach.
“Ace?” I asked, leaning close.
I was going to ask if I could kiss him, but before the words could leave my mouth, I found his lips against mine. It wasn’t clear if I’d initiated or he’d just read my mind, but I didn’t care. Fireworks exploded in my nervous system, sending waves of heat and pleasure rushing through my body. The electric feeling between us doubled, then doubled again as he pulled me close. I opened up to him, allowing his tongue to swirl around mine as he wrapped his arms around me.
Everything in the world suddenly felt perfect.
The heat between us deepened as we both realized our naked bodies were pressed against one another. Just as he could feel my cock pressed against his thigh, I felt his massive dick poking me in the stomach. I knew I shouldn’t allow things to go any further. We didn’t know one another, and I was still on a hiatus from sex. But it was clear we both wanted this, and honestly, I had nothing more to lose. If Ace woke up tomorrow and said he never wanted to see me again, my life wouldn’t change.
So maybe, just this one time, I could allow myself a little bit of pleasure.
Keeping my lips pressed to his, I ran my hands down his body, feeling the taut curves of his muscles. A slight hiss escaped him as my hand found his cock, gripping his thick shaft. But he didn’t pull away or tell me to stop. In fact, he returned the favor by working his hands down my body until his fingers delicately caressed the head of my cock. I moaned into his mouth, rocking my hips forward in a desperate attempt for more friction.
We continued to make out, pumping one another rods. Precum leaked out of us both, although Ace made a lot more than me. It added to the slickness and soon I could feel him bucking into my hand.