“Don’t be sorry,” he replied. “Just be aware. You might not like him or what he said, but I can promise you he won’t hurt you. So you have nothing to worry about. All I ask is that you be respectful of him if you do happen to run across him.”

“Why did he say that?” I asked. “I don’t understand why he called me his mate. Does he do that to everyone?”

“No, he doesn’t. In fact, he hardly talks to anyone at all. It caught me by surprise as much as it did you.” Sam glanced over at my backpack. “So, are you going to stay?”

I nodded sheepishly. “Yeah.”

“Good. Put those supplies back in the drawer then and eat your lunch.” He pushed himself up from the bed and headed for the door. “Take your dishes down to the kitchen and wash them when you’re done, alright? Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have some things to take care of.”

“More wolves coming in?” I asked.

“No.” He pulled open the door. “I’m gonna go yell at Ace for freaking you out.”

Sam was gone in a flash, the door shutting behind him. I sat there for a long moment, processing everything that had happened. For some reason, I felt a small pang of guilt. There was a part of me, however small, that didn’t think Ace deserved to be yelled at. Then again, it was nice to know Sam had my back.

The moment I pictured Ace in my mind, my cock twitched and began to lengthen once more. There was something about those blue eyes and that cowboy hat that did something for me. I let out a long sigh.

My dick was just never going to learn its lesson.

Chapter Six: Ace

I spent the entire night keeping to myself in the garden. In fact, I didn’t go back into the house until the sun had already set and the night chill began to creep in. By the time I got inside, I could feel the sting of the sun on my skin and I was looking a bit red. Of course, I knew I’d been out there for far too long without any protection. Hopefully my dick wasn’t sunburnt. That was always the worst.

Making my way into the bathroom, I started to draw a lukewarm bath for myself. I made one last trip outside, gathering two big handfuls of comfrey leaves before heading back to the bath. I twisted the leaves to tear them in half and tossed them into the water as the tub filled. A lot of people didn’t know that comfrey leaves could help relieve and heal sunburn. But knowing how to use the plants in my garden was my job. After all, I had to be able to sell them down at the market.

Even though the water wasn’t cold, when I finally lowered myself in, I let out a hiss as it enveloped my burnt skin. It felt like I was dipping myself in an ice bath. But, after a minute of getting used to it, I allowed myself to sink in further, the water nearing the lip of the tub dangerously.

I also liked to live dangerously by using my phone in the tub. Usually, I pulled up gardening videos to learn about new plants or read books on my reading app. However, when I opened up my phone this time, I saw I had several messages waiting for me from Sam.

Sam: What the hell is wrong with you? That kid nearly ran out on me today after what you said and he almost took half my stock of toothbrushes with him! What is going on?

Sam: You better not be ignoring me.

Sam: Just text me when you’re free.

After reading his messages, I wasn’t sure if I wanted to text him back. However, I knew the longer I waited, the more upset he’d be. Sam wasn’t the type to get truly angry, but he also protected those he brought in, like a mother bear fighting to protect her cubs. I didn’t want him to think that I’d caused a problem on purpose. Honestly, even I was still trying to figure it out.

Me: Sorry. Been out in the garden all afternoon.

Sam: Finally! I was starting to think you were avoiding me! What the hell happened today?

Me: I don’t know honestly…

Sam: You’re going to have to do better than that. I know you don’t like to talk, but that kid literally stabbed me because of you!

Me: Are you alright?!

Sam: I’m fine. It was a tiny pocket knife. The wound healed up the moment I pulled the knife out. But still. It’s the principle of the thing! You really freaked that kid out!

Me: He hates me doesn’t he?

Sam: He doesn’t like you, that’s for sure… So why did you do it? What was all that mate stuff about?

I sat there for a long moment, wondering if I should be honest with Sam or just sweep my emotions under the rug like I usually did. Being honest meant answering questions and trying to figure things out. Sweeping it away meant I had less socializing to do, but it also meant I wouldn’t have any help making it up to Matt. And if I didn’t make up with him… he might never talk to me again.

That thought alone made my heart sink.

Me: I felt something… It was strange but exciting. And now… well, I can’t stop thinking about him