I stared at him, trying to formulate a response. But all I could focus on was the rich cinnamon scent overtaking my senses.

“Mate,” I heard myself say again.

I sounded fucking stupid.

Matt pushed his chair back and stood up, his face going from confusion to fury in less than a second. “Listen, Brokeback, I don’t know who the fuck you are or what game you think you’re playing, but I’m not interested. Is this what you do? Wait for wolves down on their luck to roll into town so you can use your Alpha bullshit on them?”

Again, I couldn’t respond.

“That’s what it is, isn’t it?” he scoffed, furrowing his brows. “You fucking disgust me. People like you are the reason I can’t fucking trust anyone. Tell me, what were you going to do with me after you tried to fuck me, huh? Dump me on the side of the road? Get me kicked out of another pack?”

I could see the tears forming in his eyes and my heart broke immediately. The only thing I wanted to do was hold him, to tell him that I’d never do that to him. I pushed myself up from the table, making a move for him, but Matt picked up his drink and threw it in my face.

“Go fuck yourself!” he cried and took off in the opposite direction.

The sting of the carbonation in my eyes was what finally brought me back to reality. I reached up, wiping my eyes in a desperate attempt to get the stinging to stop. When I finally did, I found Sam standing there, his mouth hanging open as he stared at me.

“What the hell was that?” he barked.

“I… I don’t know…”

He rolled his eyes, clearly irritated with my lack of an answer. “Eat your soggy lunch,” he sighed. “And get out of here. I’ll deal with you later. But now I need to go make sure this kid doesn’t run off on me.” He paused for a moment. “Better yet, maybe you should pack it up and take it with you. You know where the takeout boxes are.”

With another sigh, Sam grabbed Matt’s food and headed out of the kitchen.

And I was left there, dripping in sticky cola, wondering what the fuck had happened. Why had I said that? Sure, the weird electric pulse between us was odd, and it felt really good, but I knew I couldn’t just walk around calling random strangers my mate. What the hell was wrong with me?

First of all, I didn’t even want a mate. I liked living on my farm all by myself. I could do whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted, and nobody got in my way. Years ago, I’d locked away my heart, deciding that the trouble it caused was never worth the outcome. And yet, here I was, trembling with excitement, as the ice around my heart started to melt.

I didn’t even know Matt. In fact, the only thing I knew about him now was that his aim was good with a glass of Coke. But I still felt this draw toward him. I wanted to scoop him up in my arms and kiss him until the end of time. The thought of touching his skin again drove me crazy. I glanced down, noticing the raging hard-on snaked down my pant leg. That wasn’t the kind of reaction I normally had to complete strangers. I reached down, running a finger up the length of my shaft. At the same moment, the image of Matt naked in my bed filled my mind.

“That’s enough,” I said out loud, pulling my hand away from my cock. “You’re being stupid.”

Ignoring my body’s pleas for attention, I got up from my stool and found one of the takeout boxes Sam had mentioned. I packed my slightly damp food away, put my dishes in the sink, and left through the rear exit of the hotel. Once I was in my truck and rumbling down the road toward home, my thoughts began to wander again, each one more sensual than the last.

By the time I arrived home twenty minutes later, there was a wet spot forming on the front of my jeans where my precum had leaked through. I couldn’t stop thinking about that rich cinnamon smell of his or how those honey-colored eyes stared back at me when we first met. The moment I was out of my truck, I began to strip off my clothing. Everything except my hat landed in a pile on the ground before I sat down on the edge of my bed.

I knew I should stop thinking about Matt. But I couldn’t. And now that my tight jeans had been peeled away, my cock was now free to throb and leak. It wasn’t until I rubbed my face that I realized why.

My hand. It still smelled like Matt. I pressed it to my nose, breathing in his scent deeply. My cock pulsed as I fell back onto the bed. His scent was like catnip to me. The moment it entered my system, all I could think about was sex. I felt the familiar sensation of my eyes changing color to their Alpha gold. The only time that ever happened was during the full moon.

What was happening to me?

However, that question was completely ignored as my body began to react of its own accord. Before I knew it, my hand was wrapped around the base of my cock, slowly pumping my shaft. Precum spilled from me, creating a pleasant slickness that made me moan as my hand slid over my cockhead. My other hand was still against my face, the rich cinnamon scent seeping into my pores. I found myself slipping two fingers into my mouth, the taste of him on my hand driving me insane.

My hips bucked and I picked up the pace, stroking myself faster and faster. I could almost feel Matt’s hands on my body, his lips caressing my skin, and his cock sliding down my throat. Warmth spread across my chest as a tingling sensation built in my balls. It only took a few more strokes before I realized it was too late to stop.

Tension filled my body as my hips rocked forward, a massive tidal wave of pleasure sweeping through my system. With a cry, I showered my stomach with cum, covering myself in hot sticky stripes. I fell back to the bed, panting as I pulled the saliva-drenched fingers from my mouth. My cock continued to throb against my stomach, the last few drops of cum leaking from the tip.

That was easily the most intense orgasm I’d ever had in my life. And that scared the hell out of me.

For the past ten years, I’ve been living a quiet, peaceful life in Shifter Grove. Sure, it started out a little rough to begin with, but over time, I’d created the perfect life for myself. I didn’t want more, and I was happy. However, in a matter of minutes, this new guy had turned my entire life upside down. What had once been enough for me now seemed like the shadow of a life. I wasn’t satisfied with being alone anymore. I wanted… no needed him at my side.

But how the hell was I gonna convince him of that? Sam had told me he was hurting and fragile, but I went and called him my mate the first fucking moment I met him. His rejection was understandable. To him, I was just some creepy stranger looking for an easy piece of ass. I was pretty sure he hated me, and for some reason, that made me feel like shit. In fact, it nearly broke my heart to think about.

The idea of fated mates was never something I really subscribed to. But after the events of this afternoon, I didn’t have any other explanation. It was like love at first sight, a fairy tale come to life. And I didn’t want to let it go.

It was such a strange feeling, and I didn’t know if I liked it. Was I really willing to give up the solitude I’d come to love just because some random guy smelled good? That seemed a little crazy. But at the same time, I wasn’t sure I could live without him.