“No,” he agreed and stroked her hair.
She wanted to scoot closer to him, to press her chest against his, but they both knew where that would lead. They might have stopped the rogue press and taken the Virt journal, but that didn’t mean there weren’t yet men and women alive who knew about his curse. They had to be careful. The beast couldn’t arise, especially in the city.
“As I recall,” Vlerion said, “I hesitated when you asked if I would have feelings for you if not for the beast in me being drawn to the anrokk in you.”
“I wanted to think about my answer, not tell you something that I wasn’t certain would be a truth.”
“It’s fine. You don’t have to make any promises to me.” Even if she longed to hear him say he would care about her no matter what. That was too much to ask for. “Maybe we won’t know for sure—can’t know for sure—until the curse is lifted.”
“I suppose it’s possible that will change our feelings, but, at this moment, I am positive that I care for you and want to be with you outside of any magical allure.”
Kaylina looked into his blue eyes, and her heart sang at the statement. It was all that she’d wanted to hear, all that she’d hoped was true.
“I want to be with you too,” she whispered. “Not just your allure.”
“I know,” he said simply.
She snorted. “Of course, because you’re haughty and arrogant and full of yourself. You must think all women want to be with you.”
“Careful. Dwelling on my sexy attributes might overheat you. I’ll have to toss you in the river to cool you off.”
“You’ll take any excuse to see me with my shirt wet.”
“And clinging to your body, yes.” His eyelids drooped, his gaze shifting toward her chest.
By the moon gods, that look made her hot. She did have to worry about overheating around him.
Perhaps thinking something similar, he blew out a slow breath and looked toward the river.
She shifted to stand beside him, only their hands touching. It was safer that way.
As they gazed into the water, she couldn’t help but ask, “Was it the taybarri vision that made you realize your feelings? Did you see the reed antennae and finally grasp that you couldn’t live without someone so whimsical?”
“You are brave, determined, and loyal to your friends and family. I value all of those things.” Vlerion rested a hand on his chest, as if to say he attempted to be those things himself.
That he believed she encompassed all that touched her, but she vowed to keep her tone—and the moment—light. Otherwise, it would be too easy to lean into him again, to press her body against his while gazing into his eyes…
“But mostly it was the antennae, right?” she asked. “Adding to my allure.”
“They were alluring.”
“I thought so.”
“There remains much for the rangers to do in the aftermath of the invasion, so I need to take my leave of you again.” Vlerion squeezed her hand, kissed her on the cheek, and stepped back. “I trust you can make it to the castle without a bodyguard. Especially since it has proven capable of defending itself, even beyond its borders.” The wary look he sent in that direction promised he wouldn’t show up for their grand opening. Not unless she could find a way to get the plant to realize he was a good guy and should be allowed on the premises.
One day, she vowed to herself.
For Vlerion, she nodded. “I think so.”
“Good. I do expect to see you at dawn tomorrow.”
“Uhm, why?” After all the days of missing sleep, she wanted to collapse in front of the hearth and not stir until noon. Noon next week.
His eyes crinkled at the corners. “Now that your name has been cleared, we can resume your ranger training.”
“Are you going to knock me off that log into the water again?”