Page 82 of Day Shift

I placed the tray on the bedside table and sat on the edge of the bed. Gently, I brushed a strand of hair from her face, watching as she stirred.

She groaned softly, stretching before rubbing her eyes. “Morning, sleepyhead,” I greeted her, unable to suppress a grin.

Opening her eyes, she blinked at me. “Morning,” she croaked, her voice still heavy with sleep. She shifted and winced, moving a hand to her lower abdomen as she sat up.

“How are you feeling?” I asked, handing her the mug. “Thought you might like some good, strong coffee after last night.”

Angel sat up, dragging the covers around her waist and taking the coffee with a grateful nod. “God, my head is killing me. I thought getting my memories back was the worst stabbing pain, but this might just be more dreadful.” She blew on the coffee before taking a sip. “And…I’m sore in places I didn’t even know could be sore.”

I chuckled. “Yeah, wine and whiskey aren’t the best combination if you want to avoid a hangover. And, well, taking two men for the first time…you’d have to expect to be a little sore.”

She laughed weakly, then winced again. “No kidding. Yeah, I suppose that comes with the territory. But honestly, I don’t mind. Last night was…something else. I’m so glad I trusted you.”

She handed me the cup, threw the covers off, and darted into the bathroom.

“You okay?”

“Fine. Just gotta go,” she said over her shoulder before shutting the bathroom door. After a little while, she walked out wearing an old, oversized T-shirt that barely reached her thighs. Her face was flushed and still damp from washing it, and her hair was tied up in a messy bun. A breathtaking smile was spread across her face, lighting up those icy blue eyes as she closed the distance between us. God, she was the most gorgeous creature. My cock rose to attention. There was no way I’d ever get enough of her.

I shifted from the middle of the bed, scooting down to the lower part so she could climb back in. With one foot resting on the floor and the other leg bent, I positioned myself so I could face her as she flopped back against the headboard. Her shirt rode up, giving me a glance of her pretty pussy. All I wanted to do was throw her down on the bed and worship every inch of her. I wished we could stay here all day and fuck until we both passed out, but I needed to get some clarity on how she felt first. Damn, it was hard to focus. I leaned forward, reached for the glass of orange juice, and handed it to her, trying to shake off my desire.

“Oh, you have no idea how good that looks,” she said. “My head is pounding. You’re right—the wine and whiskey combo did a number on me.” She laughed, taking the cold glass and pressing it against her forehead. “But it was worth it. Last night was fabulous. More than I could have imagined. I trusted you and Lucian completely, and you both made me feel…cherished.”

She giggled. The sound made my heart race and distracted me further. “I may not be able to sit much today,” she continued, “but it will be a nice reminder of how incredible it was to have you inside me like that.” She reached out, taking my hand and pulling me to her for a quick kiss. “Aren’t you sweet, bringing me breakfast in bed? That’s a first.”

My brows bounced in surprise. “What, no man has ever done that? What a shame.”

“Well, you know Lucian is the only other man I’ve ever been with, and he’s not the type to do anything the least bit romantic. The few times he stayed the night here, he was up and gone before the crack of dawn. He likes to fuck and move on. No time for cuddles or chitchat.”

I nodded, watching her take another sip of her juice. I wanted to know if she saw her relationship with him any differently now. “Hmm, that surprises me, knowing you’ve had a thing for years. You two seem pretty close to me. More than just fuck buddies.”

“Oh God, don’t call it that… Even though, I guess, bottom line, that’s what we are. Lucian and I are friends and coworkers, and we’re both in a place where we can’t have or don’t want any sort of emotional relationship. From the beginning, we were up front about it and have always respected that boundary. We made sure the other guys at the club understood what was going on so no one would be uncomfortable and we could all acknowledge it out in the open. Lucian and I enjoy each other physically, and that’s it. No dinner dates or meeting up with friends and family outside of the club. He and I see each other the same as any of the other guys at Xyst. It’s never been a big deal.”

I studied her face, trying to gauge her emotions. “So, Lucian’s still not a big deal?”

Angel took a sip of her juice, set the glass on the nightstand, and picked up the bowl of yogurt. After taking a bite, she chewed slowly as she contemplated my words. Then she looked at me and asked, “What I think you really want to know is not how I feel about Lucian…but how I feel about you?”

I hesitated, then nodded. “You’re right. But I don’t want to stress you out.”

She huffed out a breath. “Just say what’s on your mind.”

“Okay, okay. So, now that you have your past and an entire life’s worth of memories, I’m curious about your thoughts on what’s happened between us these last few weeks. Especially our night together just before you left so abruptly.”

Angel bit her lip. She took another bite of yogurt, then set the bowl down and scooted over to me, draping her legs over my lap. She curled around me, snuggling up to my chest, and I wrapped my arms around her tightly.

“You’re different, Conan,” she said. “You’re the first person in my life that I’ve gotten to know in the light. Before waking up with amnesia, I lived every moment in the dark shadow of my family. I never knew what I was missing because I’d never known life any other way. The last month has irrevocably changed me. For the first time, I’ve tasted what life has to offer.”

She paused, squeezing my hand. “Getting to know you was an unbelievable opportunity, one I’d never even imagined. You’ve been so good to me—better than I deserved, actually. You made me feel alive in ways I never thought possible. It wasn’t just the sex—though God, that was amazing. It was everything about you. Your possessiveness made me feel like I mattered. The way you visited me in the hospital every day, playing your guitar and singing so passionately; your laid-back, easygoing manner that made you so approachable; and your willingness to help and accept me under such bizarre circumstances are all reasons I’ll never forget you. It seemed like there was a world of future possibilities for us to share…until there wasn’t.”

I squeezed her, brushing a kiss over her temple before leaning back and taking a minute to soak in her warmth. “Why do you say all of that as if it’s in the past tense?”

She raised her face until she met my eye, placing her hand on my cheek. A single tear rolled down her face. “Because I have an expiration date. In less than two days, my life will pretty much be over.”

Then she leaned against my chest, her silent tears leaving wet trails.

Wrapping my hand around her head, I dropped my chin to the top of her hair and rocked her back and forth in my arms.

When she began to tremble, I tightened my hold on her. “My Angel…listen to me,” I said, my voice low and raspy. “If it’s the last thing I ever do, I will get you out of here—away from this toxic mafia life, away from that scumbag Frankie, and away from your abusive family. You’re not marrying him. I swear to you, I’ll take you away from all of this.”