Page 86 of Day Shift

I pulled her in for a rough kiss, stroking her throat with my thumb. “When this is all over, I’ll show you just what effect rolling your eyes has on me, my Angel.”

She laughed, but I just shook my head. She really didn’t have a clue about the things I wanted to do to her. “Let’s go,” I said, giving her a playful smack on the ass as we headed for the door.

We took the subway, which wasn’t very busy at this time of day. Once we arrived at Club Xyst, we immediately met up with Lucian, Lachlan, Julian, and Gabriel and went up to the office.

When we were all seated around the conference table, Lachlan leaned forward, his eyes on Angel. “How about we start by you explaining more about how you fit into the Genovese crime family, especially since you have a biological Russian mafia family too. It’s so hard to believe you’re some mafia princess.”

Angel opened her mouth to speak, but her phone rang. She glanced at the screen, groaning. “It’s my aunt Elena. I should have called her yesterday. She’s going to be raging mad.”

She answered the call, putting it on speaker and setting it on the table. “Hello, Aunt Elena.”

Elena’s voice came through, sharp and scathing. “Anastasia, your disrespect is wholly uncalled for. You should have called me the moment you were back in town. Is your memory as bad as your driving? If I didn’t know better, I’d think you were intentionally provoking me. Showing up unannounced at Luca’s office and ignoring me for an entire day! Forcing me to shoulder the burden of your entire wedding! Have you forgotten that you are to be wed on Saturday?”

Frowning, Angel reached up to trace the scar on her forehead. “My memories came back in a rush, and I flew to New York that same day from fucking Tacoma, Washington. I met with Uncle Luca first thing the next morning, and I assumed he’d tell you I was back. If you wanted to talk to me, you could have called anytime.”

“Watch your mouth and remember your place,” Elena snapped.

Angel took a deep breath. “I’m sorry, Aunt Elena. I’ve had a lot to deal with since I got back.”

“Is that so? And do you think that excuses you from your responsibilities? The wedding is in less than two days, Anastasia! Tonight is the rehearsal dinner. Everyone will be coming over to our house following the rehearsal at the church, even Father Russo.”

Angel glanced around the table. All of us watched her intently. “I know. I’m just trying to figure things out.”

“Figure things out?” Elena snapped. “There’s nothing to figure out. You will get yourself properly dressed and meet us at the church at three p.m. Keep in mind you have a duty to this family.” She let out a huff. “At least you’re no longer a vapid idiot traipsing around Tacoma with a pack of fools that Viktor is out to kill. I see you had enough sense to get yourself home.”

My fists clenched as I started to rise from my seat. Elena’s treatment of Angel was intolerable.

Lucian, ever the diplomat, stretched out his hands and waved for everyone to stay calm. He mouthed to Angel, “Keep her talking. Let’s get as much information as we can.”

Angel’s jaw tightened. “How did you know I had amnesia?”

“We’ve all known, Anastasia—Luca, Viktor, Valentina, Nik, and I—since the day you so carelessly drove into a tree.”

“Why didn’t you come to help me in the hospital?”

Elena cackled. “Silly girl, why would I risk linking myself to the Volkov matters in Tacoma by going to the hospital? Now, focus. All the wedding arrangements have been made. As you know, the plan is for a small traditional wedding mass, mostly for the families. Tonight, at the rehearsal, just go along with whatever Father Russo directs you to do. I’ve met with Frankie over the last few weeks, explaining your situation and that we had someone ready to retrieve you. He knows you’ve been in Tacoma recovering from a car crash but has no idea you had a brain injury. We didn’t want him to think you might end up being a burden to him. We were just about to remove you from Dr. Thorin’s home when we realized you’d left. We lost track of you for a few hours but then picked back up on your whereabouts when you bought an airline ticket on your credit card. So thank you for taking care of that yourself and not putting us through the unnecessary stress of having to take you by force. I guess I should be thankful for that much at least.” Elena let out an irritated breath. “So I assume you received the dress and will be on time, hmm?”

Angel’s head dropped, and she massaged her temples in frustration. “Yes, ma’am. I received the dress this morning.” Her voice was strained, and the way she kowtowed to her aunt made my skin crawl. It was obvious she’d been browbeaten her entire life, and it took all the self-control I could muster not to react.

Elena continued, “This is an important social event, so be on your best behavior. You’ll meet Frankie’s sisters and his groomsmen this afternoon. Look your best, skip the gaudy makeup, and act like a proper young woman. Remember, only speak when spoken to. I am relieved you’re not a babbling idiot after your little accident. Don’t disappoint us, Anastasia.”

With that, she hung up.

The room was filled with a charged silence as we all fumed. Lucian finally broke the tension and spoke first. “What a fucking piece of work!”

Braxton added, “I’ve never heard someone so arrogant and uncaring.”

Gabriel crossed his arms. “We need a plan, and we need it now. This isn’t just a wedding—it’s a death trap.”

Lachlan nodded. “Agreed. But we’re going to have to be careful to figure out how to get Ana away from all this without setting off a war.”

“Lucky me. I got to go to Tacoma for my bachelorette trip, and slamming into a tree was the highlight of my pre-wedding plans,” Angel joked darkly.

“Hey, at least you got to meet me,” I said, giving her an apologetic grin. Rising to my feet, I went to lean against the table next to her. She looked up at me through her eyelashes and half smiled.

We debated whether Angel could skip the rehearsal dinner, but it quickly became clear that this would tip Elena and the others off. Her family was eager to see her married off, so we figured she was in no immediate danger being around them. Julian, who apparently had experience surveilling people, offered to watch Elena’s house during dinner and keep an eye on Angel. He would be careful to stay just close enough to help her if she needed it. I didn’t like the idea of her going alone, but I wanted some time to investigate a few things on my own, so I went along with it.

As we discussed the rehearsal at the church, tonight’s dinner, and the wedding, Angel grew more anxious, her foot bouncing up and down. She’d been too quiet, so I reached out to her, pulling her to her feet and wrapping her in a big bear hug. She buried her face in my chest. “I’m so grateful to have you in my life,” she whispered.