I pulled Bethany into a hug. “I’m really sorry. I never wanted to lie to you… I just didn’t want you to hate me.”
Pulling back, she clutched the sides of my arms and chuckled. “Sam, there’s no way I or anyone who knows Dr. Atticus Thorin would ever judge you for fucking that man. Trust me, he’s undeniably a forbidden fruit…an addictive substance. He lures women in, and with each encounter, we’re left craving more, making him even more irresistible. You don’t have to explain. Remember, I’ve been there, done that. If anyone gets it, it’s me.” She sighed and frowned a little, dipping her head. “I just hate to see him hurt your feelings. I tried to warn you, but some mistakes you just have to make on your own.” Giving me one last squeeze, she leaned back and took a sip of her coffee.
I mumbled, “Yeah, the only problem is…I don’t hate him.”
She gave me an understanding smile. “Don’t worry, I get it.”
Wanting to change the subject, I opened the “House Rules” document Atticus had sent over and handed my phone to Bethany. “You’ve got to see this. It’s like living in a boarding school,” I said, only half-joking.
Bethany scanned the document, her eyebrows arching higher the more she read. “Wow, seriously?” She handed the phone back, shaking her head in disbelief.
“He obviously wrote the rules this morning before I woke up specifically for me. Don’t you think that seems like next level OCD?” I stuck my phone back in my pocket. “So of course my first impulse was to figure out how many I could break before he gets back tonight.”
Bethany burst out laughing. “Count me in as your partner in crime. He’ll be lucky if we don’t set this place on fire.”
“Deal!” I declared, and we clinked our espresso cups together in celebration. Then, when we were finished, we left the dirty cups in the sink without a second thought, knowing that would irk Atticus.
“Hey, you’re not supposed to have guests without prior approval, right?” Bethany asked. “So, having me here is breaking another rule!”
I laughed as we started on a tour of his house. “You’re right! Can you imagine what Atticus would do if he knew we were snooping around? He’d die.”
The thought of his reaction, coupled with the absurdity of the situation, had us giggling as we looked in every drawer and cabinet we came across.
“All right, let’s get down to some rule-breaking,” Bethany said once we’d thoroughly perused his space. “What’s next?”
I shrugged.
All of a sudden, her eyes sparkled. “I’ve got it! Let’s throw a party. Imagine the look on Atticus’s face. It’s the perfect way to break every rule in the book and then some.”
The idea was so daring that it sent a thrill of excitement and apprehension through me. The rebellious part of me, the part that Bethany seemed to bring out, found it irresistible. “A party? Here? Do we really have the guts?” I hesitated, the images of possible outcomes flashing through my mind.
“Yes! It’s settled then. We’re doing this,” she said, clapping her hands. She pulled out her phone and started firing off texts, inviting people over with the promise of an evening to remember.
Caught up in the moment, I grabbed the entertainment system remote and, within minutes, figured out how to sync my Spotify account. The house was soon filled with the rhythms of our favorite playlist, the bass reverberating through the walls.
Bethany finished texting and turned her attention to me, excitement written all over her face. “We need supplies. Lots of them. Food, drinks, you name it.”
I nodded, a plan forming in my mind. “Let’s do it. And I know just the way to get there.” I couldn’t suppress a smirk as I led her to the garage, directly to the forbidden fruit of Atticus’s possessions—the Firebird convertible.
Bethany’s mouth fell open. “No way. Sam, that’s like…rule number one on the do-not-do list.”
“Exactly,” I said, sliding into the driver’s seat with a sense of defiance that was both exhilarating and terrifying. “No holds barred. Let’s gooo!”
Predictably, Atticus had left the keys in the glove box. With the top down and the heater blasting to combat the chill in the air, Bethany and I sped off to the grocery store. The wind whipped through our hair, laughter escaping us in bursts as we jammed out and sang to some old-school rock classics. What could be better than some Springsteen in a candy apple red convertible? It was a moment of pure freedom, of joyous rebellion against the constraints that had been tightening around me since my world had turned upside down.
We zipped down the streets like wild maniacs and quickly arrived at the store. Here we were, about to throw a party in Atticus’s meticulously maintained home, and driving his prized Firebird, no less. With Bethany by my side, this rule-breaking escapade was exactly what I needed. It was a chance to reclaim a bit of control, to laugh in the face of the nightmare that had become my life.
Two hours later, Bethany and I returned home, the Firebird none the worse for wear. The news of my ordeal had spread among our friend group, and soon the house was full of people. Their kindness and support were both overwhelming and heartening. People I knew, and some I didn’t, were going out of their way to offer support. But the atmosphere was far from somber. Laughter and music filled the air, and everyone seemed determined to lift my spirits. It wasn’t a wild party by any means, but it was a good distraction from my plight.
“Sam, we’re all here for you!” Marissa called out from the living room, raising her glass in a toast. Kristen wrapped an arm around her waist, and they swayed to the music.
“Thanks, guys!” I shouted.
Since it was a Sunday night, people began to leave around nine, until it was only Bethany, Marissa, Kristen, and me left standing amidst the disarray. Empty cups and plates littered every surface, and a few tipsy dancers had reconfigured the furniture in the living room. We looked at each other and burst into laughter at the chaos we’d created.
“Should we clean up?” Marissa asked, surveying the mess with a raised eyebrow.
“Maybe later,” I said, feeling the buzz from all the wine I’d consumed throughout the evening. “Right now, I could go for a dip in the hot tub.”