Page 47 of Night Shift

“Good,” the other officer said, nodding. “Now, tell us everything you can about your father’s possible involvement in the attack.”

With a deep breath, I began to explain about my dark relationship with my father. I recounted the terrifying morning when he had attacked me outside my apartment, desperate for money and drugs. Atticus listened intently, his face betraying no emotion as I spilled the details of my humiliating past.

Conan had moved to the other side of the bed and was listening closely as well.

“Like I said, it was early in the morning when I got home from work,” I continued, my hands trembling slightly. “He was waiting for me, demanding money and drugs.”

“Did he say why he needed them?” one officer asked.

“Probably to feed his addiction,” I snapped, bitterness seeping into my tone. “It wasn’t the first time he had demanded something like that.”

“Has he ever been violent toward you before?”

“Yes,” I admitted quietly, swallowing hard. “But not since I moved away.”

“Dr. Thorin, you mentioned earlier that you witnessed the altercation that morning?” the other officer asked, turning his attention to Atticus.

Conan’s eyes shot to Atticus, his mouth dropping open.

Atticus nodded, his jaw set. “I did. Everything Sam has told you is accurate. I got to her just as her father was becoming more aggressive.” He paused, and his eyes locked onto mine.

“Did you intervene?” the officer inquired.

“I did. After a physical altercation where I subdued him, he left, but not after throwing a threat out at Sam, telling her he wasn’t done.”

“Did you report the matter to the police, Dr. Thorin?”

“No, the man was drunk out of his mind, so I assumed it was just an idle threat. Sam didn’t seem to think his behavior was out of the ordinary for him, and she told me not to worry about it. So I let it go.”

“Thank you, Dr. Thorin,” the officer said before shifting his focus back to me. “Ms. Sheridan, do you have any reason to believe your father could have been involved in the recent attack?”

My pulse thrummed at a frenzied pace as I contemplated the possibility. Was my father capable of hiring people to hurt me? I didn’t want to believe it, but deep down, I worried he’d had something to do with what happened. “I…I don’t know,” I confessed. “I haven’t seen him since that morning, but it’s possible. He was always unpredictable. But he’s broke. I don’t see how he could hire those types of men to come after me.”

“Thank you for your cooperation,” the first officer said, closing her notebook. “Once we identify the attackers, we’ll look into any connections they might have to your father. The hospital chief administrator is getting us the security camera footage. Maybe we’ll be able to trace their vehicle. In the meantime, please don’t hesitate to contact us if you remember anything else or have any concerns about your safety.”

“Of course,” I replied, trying to sound more composed.

After the officers left the room, Atticus and Conan lingered in an awkward silence. I wanted to talk to Atticus alone because he knew the full story of my past, but I didn’t want to hurt Conan’s feelings by making him leave. Conan already looked pissed, and I couldn’t risk making things worse between him and Atticus.

Conan moved to stand nose-to-nose with Atticus. “Brother, are you telling me you knew about Sam’s past and still brought her up to the cabin? What the fuck were you thinking? I know you’re a goddamn womanizer, but I never thought you’d take advantage of a girl like Sam. What the fuck?”

Atticus shoved Conan. “You, little brother, don’t know shit. Now shut the fuck up and get out of my face before I knock you on your ass.”

My anger rising, I jumped off the bed and hurtled myself between the two big oafs. “Stop it. Both of you. This is all so fucked up!” I yelled. “Conan, I know you mean well, but what you don’t know is that Atticus and I had…an arrangement. The cabin was no big deal. Honestly, it meant nothing. Nothing at all.”

Atticus grimaced.

Conan spun around, shaking his head. “So you say. But I was there. I know what I saw in your face, Sam. Try to deny it all you want, but you can’t cover for my narcissistic brother like all the others. Don’t think for a minute I don’t know the truth. You’re different, Sam, young and sweet. You deserve better—you deserve a man who has a beating heart, not a stone-cold rock,” Conan spat out.

“Please, Conan,” I begged. “Don’t say those things. I’m so sorry. It’s all my fault. I don’t want to come between you and your brother. And I’m not some little girl, I’m a goddamn woman capable of making my own mistakes…I mean choices. Just pretend none of this ever happened.”

Conan’s face fell. Atticus didn’t speak but just stood there stoically.

Walking up to me, Conan took my hand. “Sam, I’m sorry I lost my temper. I tend to have a short fuse. It’s one of my shortcomings. I just think you’re a nice girl and don’t want to see you hurt. Are we still on for the holiday gala?” he asked sweetly.

How could I say no? Conan was so sincere, just a big teddy bear really. God, could this scene be any more awkward? Why couldn’t I have met Conan before Atticus? Life was so unfair.

“Of course, Conan. Let’s just go as friends and call it good. None of us need any more drama, since we have to get along to work together.”