"Good. Destroy all her results. I'll bring her to you when she's pregnant," he said as he went to open the door.
He caught Layla as she fell into the room. He'd known the second she had come up the hallway and tried to eavesdrop.
"What part of 'stay here' did you not understand?" he asked.
Layla pulled away from him as if he had burnt her. Cain whined in his head but he ignored him. This was good. They only needed to touch when they were fucking. Any other time was unnecessary.
"You're talking about me, aren't you? I have a right to know," she said.
"No, you don't."
Anger flashed briefly in her emerald eyes before she lowered her gaze.
"You're right. I'm sorry."
What? Layla had been a nervous wreck since she arrived, but that hadn't stopped her from challenging him. She had just rolled over without an argument, even though he could feel how annoyed she was.
He studied her face and listened to her steady heartbeat. For a change, it wasn't all over the place because of her fear.
"That will be all, doctor," he said without taking his eyes off Layla.
"Yes, of course," Doctor Richards said before quickly slipping out of the room.
"So what's the verdict? Have I got defects?" Layla asked with a snort.
It took him a moment to understand what she meant. Layla felt insulted when the doctor asked about her family history.
"Only your inability to follow instructions," he replied, shaking his head as he closed the door behind the doctor. "Things like that get people into trouble around here."
Layla's mood changed. Her heart skipped a beat, and he could tell by the rigid set of her shoulders that her body had tensed.
"You need to tell me how to stay safe here, Jackson," Layla whispered.
"I told you that you're safe now."
Or she would be once he got rid of the witch who wanted to get her hands on her.
"Should I call you Alpha, too?"
What? He stilled as something unfamiliar and cold inched down his spine.
"Why would you call me Alpha?" he asked carefully.
"Those girls..."
Layla stopped and shook her head.
"It doesn't matter," she said.
But it did. So much. The last thing he wanted was for her to see or hear anything that would put her life at risk. Cassie and her friends should never have said anything in front of her.
"All I need to know is what not to say or do," Layla continued. "If I'm going to stay here for months, I can't keep putting my foot in it every time. You have to tell me your rules."
"Well, first, you can't call me Alpha. Never. Do you understand?"
Layla nodded.
"And if anyone says or does anything to scare you, you need to tell me immediately. I'll deal with them."