“Don’t forget again,” he growled.

Thunder boomed outside and the rain beat against the windows. He tuned out the noise even though he knew it would limit his capabilities. They would have to send everyone back to their houses as soon as possible so they could secure the packhouse for the night.

He turned towards Layla again and stilled in his seat.

Her seat was empty.

‘Where did Layla go?’ he asked Dylan in the mind link.

‘She needed the bathroom. I directed her to the one down there.’

He followed Dylan’s gaze to the doors off the side of the hall. How had he been so distracted that she had left the room without him noticing?

Going after her wasn’t an option, not with most of the pack watching him so closely. So he opened up his senses again and allowed Cain to locate his mate. It seemed a lot easier than it had ever been to pinpoint a single person in a room full of people. Cain zeroed in on her as if she was a beacon.

He heard her thundering heartbeat first. And then he heard her voice. The echoing around told him she was exactly where Dylan had said, but he could tell she was still scared.

“Stay safe. I love you, Brit,” Layla said.

He should have known she would be anxious to speak to her sister. Layla was more like Britney’s mother than her sister, so it was understandable that she wanted to ensure her sister was safe, especially after what had happened to her with Cassie.

He relaxed and returned his attention to the room to give her some privacy.

“How long will she be here, Alpha?”

Jon also asked the question loud enough for everyone to hear. He had only been the Gamma for a year. Dylan had picked him for the role after the last Gamma had been killed in a rogue attack, soon after he had put Dylan in charge. But Jon’s question sounded like an accusation, and he should have known better. Maybe he wasn’t suitable for this job after all.

“As long as I want her to be here. Do you have a problem with that, Jon?”

Jon lowered his gaze and swallowed.

“No, Alpha. I’m sorry.”

He’d been right. They had all forgotten who he fucking was.

“Does anyone have a problem with it?” he growled, looking around the room.

There was silence, and part of him was disappointed. He wanted to remind them of his strength and brutality since it had so quickly slipped their minds.

“No one? Good. Go home. Dinner’s over.”

The quicker he got to do everything else, the quicker he could do what he wanted.

The guests started getting up from their seats when Cassie’s father linked him.

‘Alpha, the human has climbed out of a window on the north side. She’s heading for the gate. What should I do?”

Chapter 27


Layla leaned against the wall and rubbed her foot. She’d known going barefoot was a bad idea, but she hadn’t expected it to be an obstacle so soon in her escape. There was something sharp in the bushes. She couldn't see what she had stepped on. But there was no time to worry about the pain now. At any moment, Jackson would realise she hadn’t returned to the table.

It was darker than usual because of the storm clouds, and the rain was pouring down faster than she’d expected. The light from the bathroom window showed it was already forming puddles and flowing in rivulets. She had been drenched in seconds. Her hair was plastered down her face and getting in her way. She did a quick braid before she pushed the sides of her dress up and tucked them into her panties to allow her more movement. Her dress felt like a second skin and would not protect her against the elements, but it would have to do.

She felt around the ground for the knife she had taken from the table and made sure her phone was safely tucked in her bra before running towards the treeline for better cover. Her bare feet splashed in the water on the ground, and only the flashes of lightning lit her way. The wind was howling, blowing bits of debris into her face. The thunder got worse, and it gave her a moment of panic. Sometimes storms in Wolfdale caused a lot of damage. It would be dangerous to run through the forest in the dark with the storm raging like this all around her.

But it was equally dangerous to stay.