He was utterly screwed.
Chapter 18
Layla was still tingling as she came down from the most incredible high. She looked down at the face between her legs and met Jackson’s gaze.
There was no coldness in his eyes this time. There was nothing but burning desire.
Everything was happening too fast. Jackson was a perfect stranger, and she had already seen the coldness and anger in his eyes. But now he was looking at her as if he was the only woman in the world. The only one he wanted.
Her mind whirled as she tried to remember why this was a bad idea, but all that had flown from her head the second he touched her. Her body was not her own anymore. She wasn’t herself. She could feel that; she could feel there was something different about Jackson. If she hadn’t known better, she would have thought someone had drugged her, but she hadn't eaten anything yet.
But none of that seemed to matter as she watched the man she had been trying to get away from kiss the inside of her thigh.
She responded to that kiss as if she hadn’t just had her mind blown and had all her energy sapped from that intense orgasm. Her body welcomed Jackson’s touch as the fire spread from where his lips had touched to every nerve ending in her body.
He seemed to know what she was asking for without her saying anything else. Jackson raised himself above her and hooked her leg over his shoulder as he entered her in one swift movement.
His size took her breath away. She had seen he was huge when she had noticed how turned on he’d been, but it still took her by surprise. She felt stuffed full, stretched to her limit as he touched every inch inside her. Every sensitive inch.
She could feel him trembling as he held himself still above her until she got used to his size, and when she did, he pushed himself to the hilt. Her mind stopped working properly. The intense pleasure was too much for her to comprehend. She got lost in his eyes, and as cheesy as it sounded in her head, she felt connected to him spiritually as he started to move. She felt everything. It was too much, yet Jackson continued to move, lifting her higher to places she had not known existed. He didn’t just make love to her body; he touched her very soul. Nothing mattered except this moment, except Jackson. So many sensations teased her at once as she felt the heat of his skin against hers and heard his low groans.
She wanted to scream for him to go faster and end this torture on her senses, and she wanted him to slow down and prolong it. Higher and higher. Thrust after thrust. She didn’t know what came out of her mouth, but Jackson seemed to understand it because he played her body expertly, as if they had been lovers for years.
She didn’t close her eyes because she didn’t want to miss a moment. Jackson looked as caught up in it as she was. Something flashed in his eyes, a reflection or something, but it made his eyes appear red briefly before he turned his face away. But she had no time to wonder what she had seen. Jackson rose above her and flipped her over onto her hands and knees before he thrust back into her.
And then all thoughts stopped. He moved so quickly and thrust so deeply that she could do nothing but feel. She heard groans and growls. Felt his hands all over her body. He pulled at her, grabbed her hair. It felt uncontrolled, but her body loved all of it. All she could do was let the wave carry her along until she finally fell over the cliff and cried out his name. Jackson tensed behind her, and then she felt him pulse inside her as he lowered himself over her and grunted her name against her neck.
She had never been fucked like that before. A bomb had gone off inside her and scrambled everything. Her breathing was laboured as if she had run a marathon, and she had no strength left to lift her head. Jackson kissed a spot on her neck and nipped at it, sending more tingles through her already overwhelmed body even as her eyes started to close. She had just about enough strength to tilt her head and give him better access. His teeth scraped along her skin, making her shiver in anticipation.
Jackson’s abrupt movement as he got off her forced her eyes open. His movements were jerky as he pulled his sweats back on and picked up his top. He didn’t even turn around to look at her as he walked to the door.
Jackson stopped with his hand on the door handle and turned to look at her.
And in his eyes, she saw the cold bastard she’d met at the hotel.
How could he still look at her so coldly after what he had just done?
“What are you doing?” she asked as she lifted her head.
“Did you expect me to stay and cuddle?” Jackson asked.
Her head cleared, and she remembered why she should not have slept with him.
“This is our agreement, Layla. You’ll get pregnant, give me my child and then leave. Don’t get attached or expect anything else,” Jackson said, opening the door. “Someone will bring you something to eat.”
He left her reeling when she heard the key turning in the door.
She hadn’t expected anything from him, and now that she was alone, she had no idea why she had let him touch her in the first place. Her plan had been to leave, it still was. So for him to behave as if she had asked for this or that she would even consider being with anyone like him made her angry. She felt her anger rise inside her and push away everything she had felt while in his arms.
The nerve of the bastard! He could have at least waited a little while and then made some excuse to leave instead of treating her like a prostitute. He could have pretended to be a decent human being.
But of course, that was expecting too much. Never again.
She got off the bed on shaky limbs and went straight to the shower to wash his touch from her skin. Jackson was living up to her first impressions of him. He was obviously used to people throwing themselves at him, so he took whatever he wanted. And he was rich enough to get away with it.