But how did he know? He had said the same thing before he’d passed out after he’d been bitten.
“Maybe the doctor can tell us for sure?” she suggested. She had no faith in that hack of a doctor, but that had to be better than guessing.
“You’re not,” Jackson repeated as he put his hand over hers that was on her lap.
He sprawled his feet out in front of him and sat back. He was topless, as usual, but he had at least put a pair of sweats on before breakfast that morning. The man loved to be naked, and he said it was a wolf thing, but she was positive it was because he was constantly trying to make a baby.
“How would you know?”
“I’d sense it. Your body would go through some changes that I wouldn’t miss. You haven’t even ovulated yet since you got here.”
She frowned at him. It had been over a month since she had agreed to live with him, and she hadn’t had her period yet when she’d arrived. She’d already missed one. How could she not be pregnant when she’d spent all that time having sex with him?
Plus, she was supposed to ovulate every month. There was no way Jackson could tell something like that.
“I’m still feeling off. Can you get a pregnancy test?”
Jackson linked their fingers together and brought her hand to his lips. As usual, the kiss sent a jolt through her, and he smiled against her hand as if he had felt that, too. He probably could. It had been an enlightening few weeks getting to know him. He didn’t tell her anything about his other form, but she had noticed several things on her own.
“Honestly, I’m not in much of a hurry to get you pregnant anymore,” he said. “I’m enjoying spending time alone with you.”
In this bubble, this prison he had created for them. She hadn’t been out for a walk since he had taken her back to the forest and spent hours driving her crazy.
“I still want to know, Jackson,” she insisted.
Jackson sighed again and released her.
“Sure. But I’ll have to go over to get it myself. Only Dylan knows why you’re here, and I’d like to keep it like that.”
Jackson didn’t bother wearing a shirt or shoes as he walked to the door.
“Micah’s been asking to see me all morning anyway. I’ll see what he wants on my way to meet the doctor.”
Was he neglecting whatever Alpha duties he had again? Dylan had looked at her so coldly as if she had any control over that. Jackson could easily go and do his job and leave her locked up in the room by herself as he had done in the beginning.
As he walked down the hallway, he started to whistle. She knew because she could hear it as if he was still sitting beside her on the sofa. It had been weeks, and that hadn’t faded—she had no idea why. If anything, she was sure it was getting worse. Maybe being among the werewolves for so long was changing her in ways she hadn’t imagined. Sometimes when she concentrated, she could hear all the commotion beyond Jackson’s balcony, even though it always happened after Jackson led her back inside and locked the balcony door.
Training. She was sure they were sparring. Sometimes she heard growls, snarls and heavy footsteps, so she knew that was the reason she was locked inside. They trained in their wolf forms; she wasn’t supposed to see that.
Still, she had spent hours imagining she was out there training with them, too. The incident with those three men still played over in her mind, and all she wanted to do was feel like she could defend herself if it ever happened again.
She followed Jackson’s whistle to the front door, and only after he was out of the house did she realise the mistake he had made. He hadn’t locked the door again.
She forced her heart to stay calm because she was now positive Jackson could hear it whenever it beat out of control. It was what had brought him racing into the bedroom with his wolf face in the first place. She had to remember that, even when she was outside among them.
Slowly, she walked towards the door, and like the first time, the door opened easily. Why was she leaving the room when something terrible always happened every time she did? That wolf Amber could still be around even after Jackson told her to leave the house. And Dylan... He expected an answer, and she knew what she had to tell him.
She was going crazy stuck in that room; she had to take the chance. She didn’t know what was happening in her head, and most importantly, she didn’t know how Brit was. Jackson hadn’t once offered her his phone so she could find out, and her phone was still being held for ransom.
At the entrance, she saw two huge men guarding it, but she pretended she knew what she was doing as she headed down to the hallway where she had last met Dylan alone.
A door opened before she reached it, and the man himself stepped out as if he had already known she was on her way. He walked further down the hall to the conference room and held the door open for her.
“I have to—”
Dylan silenced her with a finger to his lips and waited for her to enter before he closed the door.
Jackson still didn’t trust him; she was well aware of that fact. But if she was pregnant...