Jackson looked down at her and grinned. It transformed his face and made her heart flutter. Why did he have to be so handsome? Walking away from him would probably be the hardest thing she’d ever have to do.

“There’s a spot not too far from here where I can... rest,” Jackson said, walking to a different trail than the one he had taken on the first time. “No one will disturb us. I’ll stretch your legs really well there.”

He didn’t even try to hide the meaning of his words.

“When I said I wanted to stretch my legs, that wasn’t what I meant.”

“I’ll remember that next time,” Jackson chuckled.

Who was this man? Why was he suddenly acting so differently? The past week, they could have been real lovers instead of people forced together by a deal.

But it wasn’t real.

And her heart hurt as she wished, with everything in that insane part of her, that it was.

Chapter 72

Jackson blocked out the insistent chatter in his head from Dylan and sat on the smooth rock on the edge of his territory that looked over the forest.

Things had been quiet the whole week. According to Micah, there were no more sightings of rogues or the red wolf, and his scouts had nothing to report. Whatever issues Dylan had to talk about all had to do with the amount of time he’d spent locked away with Layla, and he wasn’t in the mood for that. Especially since he didn't want to listen to how they had to kill her and how bad it would look when others found out he was shacking up with a half-blood.

The past two weeks had put things in perspective. He’d realised he just didn’t give a shit about what they thought, but his biggest realisation was that he wanted to spend his dying days with this woman.

Child or no child.

How the mighty had fallen. He'd turned into the type of person he had loathed before he'd caught Layla's scent.

“I said I wanted to stretch my legs, not tire myself by hiking up a mountain,” Layla grumbled as she came up to sit beside him on the rock.

“It's hardly a mountain, and we walked for fifteen minutes,” he pointed out.

Far enough away from the pack that they could speak freely. He’d expected Layla to still be terrified of him after her initial reaction when she had found out who he was, but she seemed to have taken that in her stride. She didn’t shy away from his touch or his kisses. But he could still feel that desperation in her, and it worried him.

When Layla stopped complaining, she looked ahead at the view before them. He’d lived in the forest his whole life, so he was biased, but that was the best view in the world. From there, the forest stretched out for miles, a sea of green untouched by humans. It was as untamed and dangerous as the humans feared it to be, yet there was a beauty even in that. Giant trees with thick trunks shot up high into the sky, and wildlife made its home in their branches and below. The canopy was too dense to see beneath it, but he could sense all the dangerous animals lurking under it.

“Wow! It’s beautiful,” Layla whispered.

If he weren’t dying, he would have made it her home.

“It is,” he answered. “But don’t ever go through it alone. You wouldn’t last a day.”

“I’ve never realised the forest was so big. What’s beyond it?”

“Nothing. There’s a steep, very dangerous drop into the ocean on this side. It makes it harder for anyone to attack us from there.”

“Do you get attacked often?”

He sensed her change of mood when she asked. Was that what had her desperate to leave?

“No. People tend not to fuck with me. We’ve had some minor incidents lately, but those settled down. You’re safe here.”

It didn’t count as a lie if he was just trying to protect her, did it? The Circle’s wards didn’t work, so anybody could still attack them to do the witch’s bidding. It wouldn’t help to tell her she had a target on her back.

He didn’t know if she believed him as she played with a blade of grass and kept her gaze on the view.

And he kept his gaze on her. Since he had stopped fighting the pull towards her, he’d taken more time to study her. The bond had definitely changed her. Her mannerisms were more wolfish now. Her eyes pricked up when there was a distant sound. She sniffed the air when food was being made down in the kitchen. And though she had complained about him tiring her out, she hadn’t become breathless even with the brisk pace he’d kept.

Fate had taken the perfect woman for him, and she was adapting to her life as his mate. Completely screwed up, but that was what it was.