“It’s a little embarrassing.” Lauren hesitated, then the whole story came spilling out. “My first day here I was lost, and a handsome French guy saved me. We ended up spending the day together… and then the night…”

“Ooh.” Céline’s frown lifted into a grin. “So far, so good.”

“Right. We just really clicked, you know? We talked the whole time and it seemed like we had a real connection. But when I woke up the next morning, he’d left without saying goodbye. There was a note, but no contact information.”

“Oh, no.”

“Exactly. I don’t really blame him, really — some people prefer one-night stands with no follow-up, and maybe we should have discussed expectations before spending the night together. But I also thought we had a real connection, so it hurt to find out that he didn’t feel the same way.”

“He sounds like a jerk to me,” Céline said loyally. “I know we only just met, but I’m definitely on your side.”

“Thanks. That means a lot.”

“Is that what’s been distracting you today? The guy walking out on you?”

“Kind of, but there’s a little more to the story. Today, I walked into the French class here at college and guess who I saw?”

“The guy?” Céline’s eyes were wide with interest.

Lauren nodded. “The guy. He was my professor.”

“What’s his name? I might know him.”

“Oh, no. I don’t want to complicate any professional relationships you might have. I don’t want to say.” Lauren bit her lip and raised her hand to her grandfather’s ring.

“Fair enough, but we only have a few French professors. I think I can figure this out. Let’s see. Antoine is a little old for you… and married to a man. So, I don’t think it can be him. Then there’s Elise and Geneviève, so I can rule them out. Unless…”

Lauren shook her head. “No, it was a guy.”

“Okay. That just leaves Nico Lefèvre. Ooh, I see you are blushing. It was Nico, right?”

“Yes.” Lauren dropped her head into her hands.

“I’m surprised. I always thought Nico was a nice guy. But we also don’t know each other well. What happened when you saw him in class?”

“Well, after class was over, he called me over to talk to me. He asked if it would be possible for us to interact professionally, and I said yes, although I was a little offended that he would even ask. I can be professional — although I did make one snarky comment. Then I started to leave, and he called after me. He said he was sorry for how he’d left things and asked me over for dinner so he could explain.”

“And what did you say?”

Lauren shrugged. “I said yes. I mean, I think almost everyone deserves the chance to explain themselves. And, to be honest, I wanted to see him again. Which I know is probably a terrible idea.”

“Maybe not.” Céline shrugged, too. “I’m on your side, like I said. Maybe he does have a good reason for leaving.”

“Maybe, but why not just tell me the reason in the note he left? Or today in class?”

“I don’t know. But it sounds like he wants an excuse to see you again.”

Lauren sank her head into her hands again. “It does seem like it. But I don’t know what he wants from another meeting. It’s all a lot to think about.”

“I get that. But if you like him and want to give him a chance to explain, I think going makes sense.”

“I do like him.” Lauren sighed. “I just don’t want to get hurt.”

“If you never get hurt in life, I’m not sure you’re really living.” Céline winked. “That’s my advice for you as a slightly older friend.”

“Thanks. And I’m really sorry for unloading all this on you. I know we’ve only just met, and you’re my boss.”

“Please.” Céline waved a hand. “I asked you to tell me. Plus, I think we’re already friends. Don’t you?”