“It’s not. I know it’s a lot to ask, but will you give me a chance to explain why I left?”

Lauren sighed. “I have a class in half an hour.”

“You do?”

“I got a job here as an assistant professor.”


Lauren shrugged. “Thank you.”

“Well, I have a class soon, too.” Inspiration struck. “Will you come for dinner?”

“I don’t know…” Lauren rocked on her toes.

“Please. I just want to explain myself. After that, I can try to switch you to another class or anything you want.”

“Fine.” She gave a little smile. “I suppose I have to eat dinner anyway.”

Relief flooded Nico, along with a new set of worries. He was happy to get the chance to explain what had happened, but he still worried that she might not take the news of his son well. And even if she did, there was no evidence to suggest that she would want to have a real relationship with Nico. Also, he really needed to clean his home before he had a guest over. He was pretty sure that Louis’s toy dinosaurs were strewn across the living-room floor.

“Great.” Nico smiled at her. Hopefully she didn’t notice the whirl of thoughts flying through his mind. “I’ll write my address for you. And perhaps directions?”

“I can figure it out. I’ve gotten much better at navigating Paris.” Nico couldn’t tell if she was just making polite conversation or if it was meant to be a biting remark. Her expression was still neutral.

“Okay. Say seven o’clock?”

It would be shortly before Louis’s bedtime, so Lauren would be able to meet him before sitting down with Nico for dinner. Which he would need to make. Although hopefully, once Lauren met Louis, there would be much less explaining for Nico to do.

“I suppose I’ll see you then.” Lauren gave an awkward little wave, then turned and hurried to the door. Nico slumped against his desk. Overall, this interaction had gone better, if much differently, than he’d expected. Seeing Lauren again reminded him how strong their connection was and how much he would like to make things work between them.

He could only hope that, after tonight, she felt the same way.



Lauren hurried across the campus to her last class of the day. Her mind was a blur after the confusing and surprising conversation she’d just had with Nico. She could hardly believe that she’d agreed to have dinner with him again. The romantic in Lauren hoped things would be different this time, even if the realist in her knew that people didn’t change and Nico was the same man who’d left without saying goodbye just a few weeks ago.

Her unease was compounded by the fact that she hadn’t gotten a lunch break. She ate a granola bar from her purse on the way to class and chased it down with a few sips of water from her bottle. Thank goodness she’d at least been prepared enough to bring provisions.

Lauren was so distracted during the next class that she couldn’t have described either the students or the subject matter when the hour ended. After the students left, Céline pulled her aside.

“Is everything okay?”

“Yes. I’m so sorry if I was acting strange.”

“Just a little. But don’t worry about it. Is teaching not all you dreamed it would be? Or did you not enjoy your French class?”

“Nothing like that,” Lauren said. “It’s just a little drama in the romance department.”

Céline’s eyes lit up at that and she pulled Lauren over to one of the desks.

“Please share, if you want to.” Céline took a seat. “I have to admit, I’ve been in a relationship for about seven years now, so I just don’t get the kind of fun relationship drama other people do. Although I love Jean deeply, of course.”

“Well, if you’re in the mood for fun relationship drama, I think you’ve come to the wrong place. This isn’t exactly fun.”

“Oh.” Céline frowned. “Well, if you don’t want to talk about it, you really don’t have to. But I’m here if you do.”