“Merci,” the man suggested. Nico uncapped a marker and wrote it on the whiteboard.

“Good example. Who has another?”

Nico let his gaze wander across the class for raised hands. Near the back, the latecomer had taken a seat. She raised her head, and Nico finally saw her face.


It really was her this time. He would recognize those sparkling blue eyes anywhere.

As soon as he recognized her, worry settled into Nico’s stomach. The look of hurt and surprise on Lauren’s pretty features only made it worse. She had every reason to be angry with him. Nico knew he’d been beyond rude when he’d walked out on her, but he’d had good intentions of taking care of his son. He needed to stand by his actions — but he also needed to apologize and clear the air.

None of that was possible right now. He was in the middle of class and he needed to push on.

“Yes, you had an example?” He pointed to another student with a raised hand.

“How about, ‘Je voudrais…’”

“Good one.” Nico added it to the board.

“How about, ‘Au revoir’?” The voice was Lauren’s. Nico felt another wave of guilt and worry. She had every right to make that comment. He just nodded and wrote the phrase on the board.

For the rest of class, though, Lauren was quiet. She took notes and participated in small-group discussions, but Nico could feel her gaze on him several times. He expected her to confront him at the end of class, but when he dismissed everyone, she grabbed her bag and made a beeline for the door.

“Could I speak to you for a moment?” Nico asked before she could leave. Lauren pulled up short and turned to him, her face closed.

“Of course, professor.”

They stood in silence, facing each other, as the other students filed out. When the last one left, Nico stepped around Lauren to close the classroom door, then turned to her. Her arms were crossed over her stomach and her expression was closed.

“Lauren,” he said.


“I know we have a history, and I’m sorry for how things ended. But now that we have a professional relationship, I hope we’ll be able to work together.”

Lauren opened her mouth, and Nico thought she might be about to snap at him. He wouldn’t have blamed her. But then she closed her mouth and shrugged.

“Of course. I don’t think that will be a problem.”

“I’m glad to hear it.”

“Well, if that’s all…” Lauren nodded to the door, and Nico gestured for her to go.

“Thank you. I’ll see you next week.”

“Yes.” Lauren turned and reached for the door handle. At the sight of her leaving, another emotion reared up in Nico. Regret.

He’d closed the door on a relationship between them out of fear that his relationship with his son had been hurt. He wanted to stand by that, but seeing Lauren again, his attraction and affection for her had risen once more. Lauren was truly special. If he let her go again, he knew he would regret it. And Louis hadn’t been harmed by an extra hour or two with his grandmother. Maybe there was a chance…

The least he owed Lauren was to come clean about why he’d left that morning without saying goodbye. Lauren deserved that much. She already despised him after what he’d done, so there was no point hiding Louis any longer. He might as well be honest. And if Lauren wanted nothing to do with him after he’d apologized, so be it.

“Lauren, wait!”

She turned back to him. Her face was still closed, but now she was biting her lower lip.

“I really am sorry for how I left things. I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

“It’s fine.” But Lauren crossed her arms tighter, and Nico knew it wasn’t fine. It wasn’t fine for him either.