In a flash, Nico once again considered inviting her back to his house. He wanted time alone with her, to continue kissing and perhaps explore something more. But his home was filled with Louis’s things, which would be hard to explain, and he didn’t want Lauren to feel as though he was pressuring her. He would walk her home and that would be all.

And then Lauren said something that surprised him and made his heart soar.

“You promised to get me back to my hotel safely,” she said, her voice low and a little unsure. “Maybe the only way to be completely sure I make it is if you come back with me.”

“That seems only prudent.” Nico could meet her halfway, at least, especially given the look of vulnerability on her lovely features as she made her request. “Perhaps I should take you all the way up to your room, just to be sure.”

“Good idea,” Lauren said. “Maybe you can check under the bed for intruders.”

“Certainly. In fact, I don’t think I could let you go home alone in good conscience. It’s settled. I’ll accompany you all the way to your room.”

He took her hand and led the way toward the nearest metro station. Their steps were quicker than before, filled with a new kind of urgency. Nico wasn’t sure how the night would unfold, but he knew that he wanted to be with Lauren. He wanted — needed — to explore this connection.

Everything else, including his worries about not telling her about his son, were a problem for their second date, if there was one. And he hoped there would be. Today, he just wanted to see where things led.

The metro was much less crowded at this hour, so Nico and Lauren were able to find a place to stand together. As the train rumbled toward their stop, Nico put his arm around Lauren’s waist and she leaned into his side. She smiled up at him. Somehow, she managed to look gorgeous even in the flickering florescent light of the metro train.

“You’re beautiful,” Nico said. Lauren wrinkled her nose and opened her mouth as if to argue, but Nico shook his head. “It was a fact, not a question.”

“Well, thank you, then.”

When they reached their stop, Nico led the way up the escalators to street level. From there, Lauren spotted her hotel and they made their way across the street. Inside, Lauren led Nico into the elevator and scanned her keycard. As soon as the elevator doors closed, they were kissing, as if they were a pair of magnets that simply couldn’t stay apart.

“Lauren,” Nico said when they pulled apart, “I want you to know that I don’t have any expectations for this evening. I only want you to do what you’re comfortable?—”

But Lauren cut him off with another intense kiss. They parted only when the elevator dinged and the doors opened. They turned to exit and came face-to-face with a slightly shocked-looking elderly couple.

“Bonsoir,” Nico said politely. Then he took Lauren’s hand and hurried them both out of the elevator. They laughed as Lauren brought them to the door of her hotel room and scanned her card. When the door opened, they practically fell inside, then stopped and faced each other.

“I can’t believe we’re back at my hotel room,” Lauren said, her tone wondering.

“If you want me to go?—”

“No. Let’s sit. I can’t offer you much to drink, but I do have some mini pretzels and leftover soda.”

Nico smiled. Despite the heat in the elevator, he understood that Lauren wanted to take things slower. And he didn’t object to the chance to talk with her more.

“Mini pretzels and leftover soda sound great.”

And then Lauren rose onto her tiptoes and kissed him again. This kiss took Nico by surprise a little, but he quickly responded by wrapping his arms around her and pulling her closer.

“What about the pretzels?” he asked between soft kisses.

“Maybe later,” Lauren said breathlessly. Attraction surged in Nico and he kissed her again, this time trailing his lips across her cheek and down her neck. She sighed and tilted her head back to give him better access.

“Is this okay?” Nico asked.

“Yes,” Lauren replied, her voice soft and filled with desire. “It’s very okay.”

The intensity of their kisses grew until Nico could hardly bear it.

“Shall we move to the bed?” Lauren asked. Nico responded by sweeping her into his arms and carrying her there, still kissing her. When he laid her onto the bed, he paused for a moment to capture the image of Lauren looking up at him with those blue eyes and those pink lips. He never wanted to forget this moment.

Then, together, they gave in to the deep attraction that had been pulling them ever closer from the moment they met. For a long time, they were in perfect harmony.