Now that they were armed with the knowledge that someone inside Riviera Construction was laundering money for an unknown entity, the murders made more sense. Alan Browning put a large operation at risk, and his greed had caused a chain reaction that led to his death.
He wasn’t the only casualty, but hopefully, he would be the last.
Tonight was the auction event being held at the resort, and Trinity wanted to look amazing for it. She had taken her time doing her makeup, using a heavier hand than usual to create the effect that she wanted. Her hair fell in a mass of waves down her back, making her look like a 1950s starlet. The style went perfectly with the bronze sheath dress she had selected to wear for the gala.
Her hair was held back on one side with an intricate barrette that was decorated with small diamonds. In a pinch, it could also be used as a weapon. Adding to her personal arsenal, Trinity strapped on the thigh holster to take what she liked to call her dress-up gun.
It was small but still packed a punch.
When she slid the dress on, she held her breath while she zipped the back closed. The bustier top that hugged her breasts was tight, but the rest of the dress was a fluid panel of flowing silk. There was a discreet slit up the right side that showed off her long leg when she moved and gave her easy access to her weapon.
She attached a multi-tiered bronze necklace that matched the dress perfectly. She also put an amber ring on her right hand. It might have looked like an interesting piece, but with a flick of the stone, a tiny needle would pop out. It held a powerful drug inside it that would take down a two-hundred-pound man in less than three seconds.
A girl could never be too careful.
When she finished getting ready, she checked herself over in the mirror once more before leaving the guest room carrying a small clutch purse. She had insisted on getting ready alone so Maxwell and Jackson would get the full impact once she was completely put together.
Her heels clicked on the stairs as she descended slowly, waiting for the reaction from her men. She paused on the landing as someone let out a loud wolf whistle and glanced over to see Finn and Tony grinning up at her.
Beside them stood her gorgeous men.
Jackson had on a black suit and black shirt with no tie, while Maxwell was decked out in a three-piece charcoal gray suit with a pinstriped shirt and a silver tie. They both looked absolutely heart-stopping, but what made her smile were the expressions on their faces. Their eyes were wide, and their jaws were hanging open as they watched her walk the rest of the way down the stairs.
Stopping in front of them, she stuck out her leg and posed. Her heart pounded in her chest when a look of absolute lust darkened both of their eyes.
The silence continued until she was forced to ask, “Well, what do you think?”
“You’re so fucking beautiful,” Jackson whispered.
Finn snorted. “Smooth, man. Really fucking smooth.”
Jackson glared at him, then turned back to frown at Trinity. “Every damn man is going to be hitting on you tonight.”
Maxwell smiled as he came forward to take both of her hands in his. “What he meant to say is you look like a vision, Kat. You take my breath away.” He pressed a light kiss to her lips, then graciously moved to her side before Jackson could push him aside.
“Yeah, what he said,” Jackson grumbled. “Baby, I’m not going to be able to wait to make love to you. Why don’t we just stay home?”
Laughing, Trinity shook her hair so it flowed over her bare shoulders. “Oh no, we’re going to the auction. Besides, waiting will be good for you. It will make later even more…explosive.”
“Okay, enough of that. My virgin ears can’t take anymore,” Tony quipped. “But you do look smoking hot, Trin. I’d do you if I didn’t think of you like a sister.”
“I’d do you anyway,” Finn said. “But you’d probably kill me if I tried, and then your men would cut me into tiny pieces and feed me to the sharks.”
“Damn right,” Jackson replied.
“Yep, sorry, mate. Get your own girl,” Maxwell said.
Trinity smiled. “Sure you don’t want to join us?”
“Hell, no. That would require us dressing up like these two, and you know how wearing a suit makes me itch,” Finn said with a shiver. “Besides, Tony and I have dates tonight. We actually met some models shooting a calendar spread at the resort.”
“Ah, which months?” she asked.
Finn grinned. “All of them.”
That made her roll her eyes. “Why does that not surprise me.”
Jackson sighed. “Come on, baby. If you insist on going, we should head out or we’ll be late.”