She and Maxwell had stepped back, letting Jackson take control of the crime scene. She and Jackson had done the same during the meeting earlier in the day, letting Maxwell do his thing. They all had their strengths, and it seemed like they also shared a mutual respect for those abilities.
The problem was the murder of the foreman just didn’t make any sense.
She was almost positive that Browning was the one who had switched the order forms to inferior materials for the build and for the missing funds. It also seemed like he was stupid enough to be behind the botched kidnapping attempt.
But if that was the case, why kill him?
The only way the whole clusterfuck made any sense was if he had been working with someone. And that someone had ended him. Now, it was just a matter of finding out who the hell that was and taking them down.
Trinity considered ignoring everything and going back to sleep for a few more hours, but a whisper of sound coming from the hallway had her going on alert. She jerked up in bed, reaching over a startled Jackson to grab the gun she insisted on keeping on the bedside table. Pointing it at the doorway, she sat up, ready to defend them as the door to the bedroom was pushed open.
“Son of a bitch!” Even as the curse left her lips, she relaxed and put the gun down in her lap. “I almost shot you!”
“Nice to see you, too, Trin,” Tony Moretti said with a grin.
“Nice to see all of you,” Finnegan Kelly amended as he propped a shoulder against the door frame.
Jackson let out a vicious curse as he debated taking the gun from Trinity and shooting both men himself. He eyed the two large, dangerous individuals standing in the doorway with a fierce scowl, not liking the way they were grinning at the woman by his side. Glancing over, he was relieved to see Maxwell had dragged the sheet up to cover Trinity’s bare breasts.
She sighed. “What the hell are you guys doing here?”
“Well, it doesn’t look like she’s here against her will,” Finn said to Tony, ignoring her question. “Guess you were right.” He grinned back at her. “Looks like you’ve gone island native, Trin.”
“Who the bloody hell are they?” Maxwell growled out, still holding the sheet up shielding her from their view.
Both Finn and Tony groaned.
“Another King in the family. Jesus, does that make you and T-rex sisters now?” Tony asked. “That could be very dangerous.”
Finn’s laughter had Trinity grinding her teeth. “Get out, Irish!”
“Aww, but we came all this way to see you,” Tony said with a grin.
“Out. Now. Or I’ll shoot you both.”
Tony held his hands up in the air. “We’re going. But I expect you downstairs in five. I’m hungry.” He grabbed Finn by the shoulder and pulled him out of the doorway before Finn could crack another joke. “Careful, man, you know she doesn’t have a sense of humor if you wake her up. She really might shoot us.”
Their voices receded as she flopped back onto the bed, covering her eyes with her forearms. Jesus, this was just what she needed to wake up to.
She sighed. “Seriously. The next person besides you two that sees me naked is going to have to die.”
Chapter Twenty-Four
“Remember that time we were stuck in Malaysia and that militia group had us pinned down in that old temple?”
Trinity barely held back a groan. For the past few hours, Tony and Finn had taken great enjoyment in regaling Jackson and Maxwell with some of the more exciting stories of her escapades as an agent. The new arrivals had shown up with a truck filled with her belongings that Tony and Finn had personally flown down to deliver to her.
After she and her men had dressed, they’d headed downstairs to discover Tony and Finn had sweet-talked Rosa and Maria into making an elaborate lunch for them while a small army of men brought her stuff inside. They’d left most of it in the guest room next to their bedroom for her to put away later. Once they were done, Tony and Finn decided it was time to entertain Jackson and Maxwell with stories about her as they shared a meal out on the back patio.
A computer expert, Tony mostly handled installing security systems for Mac Securities, the legitimate business used as a cover for the Chicago division of IAD. He was also the mastermind behind some of the highly sophisticated software that the agency used, and Trinity had worked with him to hack into some of the most difficult systems.
Finn was a handsome man with dark brown hair and mischievous blue eyes. He had a wicked sense of humor, and Trinity often found herself his collaborator when it came to playing jokes on the other agents. But now that his audience was her two lovers and she was the subject of the discussion, she didn’t like it one bit.
Maxwell held up a hand before Finn could launch into another story. “I think I’m going to have to hear these stories in stages. I don’t think my heart can take them all at once.”
“I second that,” Jackson muttered before he took a long pull from his beer bottle.
“When Tony said that you were moving down here, I had to come along and see for myself what man actually managed to tame the wild one. Guess it makes sense that it takes two of them,” Finn said with a grin.