Page 38 of Cross Point

Trinity was glad she already came because her body tensed up with anger at their words. Maxwell groaned as his cock began spurting his release into her mouth. She drank down reflexively when what she really wanted to do was put him on his ass.

Actually, he was damn lucky she didn’t just bite him.

She felt Jackson’s hands tighten on her hips as he thrust one, twice more, then spilled himself deep inside of her with a low groan. The second they were done coming, she pushed hard on Maxwell, so he did fall back on his ass. She jerked away from Jackson, who braced himself at the last second before he took a header into the water.

“What the—?”

Trinity stomped away from them, diving into the water. When she came up she spit water out of her mouth, trying to clean the taste of Maxwell from her mouth. She had loved the taste of him, sweet and salty with a hint of something special that was Maxwell alone, but he had ruined it.

And Jackson…he was lucky she didn’t just drown his ass.

How in the world could two very intelligent men be so stupid?

“Trinity?” Concern filled Maxwell’s voice as he said her name.

She opened her mouth to blast both of them but choked on her words. Her eyes went wide and she quickly lowered into the water, covering most of herself as she looked past where a very angry Jackson was scowling at her and a concerned Maxwell watched her from where he sat in the water.

“Well, my dear. It seems like you’ve found yourself between a stone and another hard body.”

Trinity sighed. It certainly seemed like the whole fucking island was going to end up seeing her naked before her vacation was over.

Chapter Fourteen

No. This could not be happening.

Jackson turned his head slowly and closed his eyes. When he opened them, the two figures he had hoped he’d imagined were still walking toward them from the direction of the cave he had suggested they retreat to earlier.

“Jesus, son. Put that thing away!”

Maxwell jumped to his feet and surged into the water until he was waist-deep. After a mortifying second, Jackson quickly followed. When he turned back around, the mayor, Adeline Carrington, was grinning at them as one of her husbands, Judge Jethro Carrington, scowled by her side.

Addie shielded her hand over her eyes. “Good afternoon, Jackson. Why, hello there, Mr. King! Welcome back to the island.” Before he could respond, she turned her head and waved cheerfully at where Trinity was in the water up to her neck. “Hello, Katrina! It’s so nice to see you again.”

“Ah, yeah. Hi, Addie.”

Jackson turned to shoot Trinity an incredulous look, which she simply returned with a shrug and a what the hell do you want me to say look.

“Sorry to barge in on you like this. We were just walking and thought it would be better if we announced ourselves rather than just sneaking by. This is my husband, Jethro. We both had the day off today so—”

“I’m not sure this is the time for introductions, and it’s not sneaking to mind our own damn business,” Jethro muttered. He looked at his wife’s smiling face, then scowled at Jackson and Maxwell when he noticed where she was looking. “You boys need to cover those muscles up before you give my Addie a heart attack. And that water is pretty damn clear so can you…” His voice trailed off as he waved a hand toward them.

Jackson and Maxwell quickly moved their hands to the front of their bodies and tried to cover up their large, rapidly deflating cocks behind their hands.

Unable to help it, Trinity burst out laughing. She was relieved when Addie joined her. Trinity glanced over to see both Jackson and Maxwell glaring at her. “What? Seriously, like your hands are supposed to cover those monsters?”

“You are a lucky woman, Katrina,” Addie said with a grin.

“That’s it. We’re leaving!” Jethro declared, pulling on his wife’s arm. “We’re going to forget this ever happened. Do you understand me?”

“Yes, sir,” Jackson replied along with Maxwell’s quick nod.

Trinity nodded as well, then couldn’t help but call out to the retreating couple. “Oh, Jethro? You may want to rebutton your shirt. It’s a little…off.”

She watched the older man blush as he looked down to see that his shirt was two buttons off the mark. Addie’s laughter trailed on the wind as the older couple walked away.

Trinity’s grin faded as Jackson groaned.

“Just fucking drown me now, because I’m never going to live this down.”