Page 51 of Cross Point

“I need you, Katrina.” His voice was harsh as if the words were torn from him. “Just you, exactly as you are.”

She leaned forward, sharing a kiss with him that was filled with passion and longing. She rose up enough to move the head of his cock to the entrance of her pussy, then slid down until he was fully sheathed inside her. They both sighed in pleasure and his arms wrapped around her like steel bands, holding her in place. She began to rock against him in a slow, easy ride, breaking their kiss so she could look at him.

She stroked her hands over his face, then down his neck and broad chest. “I love feeling you inside me, so big and hard.”

“And I love being inside your hot, tight little pussy. But I need you to let me in.”

“I am,” she said on a breathless laugh. “Jackson, if you were any further in me you’d be in my throat right now.”

He shook his head, remaining serious. “No. Not here.” He punctuated his words with a thrust of his cock. “Here.”

He placed a hand on her heart, bringing tears to her eyes.

“I want to,” she whispered.

“Ah, god. Baby, please don’t cry.”

Jackson felt his heart melt. Nothing got to a man more than a strong woman with tears sparkling in her eyes. He pulled her close so he could kiss her eyelids, his lips trailing down her face until he captured hers again, giving into the passion between them.

She sped up, rising and falling on his cock faster, swirling her hips in a way that had his toes curling every time she slid down on him. He gripped her hips hard as he thrust up inside her, their bodies moving as one, racing toward the ecstasy that awaited them.

“Kat, I’m going to come.”

“Come, Jackson. Give it to me, give it all to me,” she demanded.

“Not until you do. Come for me. Come on my cock, baby,” he ordered as he worked a hand between them so he could flick her clit with his thumb.

He watched as Trinity threw her head back, moaning as she came. She looked like a goddess, her hair trailing down her back so it brushed against his knees, her breasts thrust out toward him as she writhed on his cock in pleasure. Her pussy held his cock so tight he could barely move inside her, but it was her face that drew his own release from him.

He had never seen anything as beautiful as she was when she came.


He gripped her hips with both hands, holding her down on him as his cum exploded from his cock. Ecstasy shot through him, making his entire body shake as he filled her with his release. His arms wrapped around her as she collapsed against him and he held her tight, never wanting to let go. A contentment that he had never known filled him. No matter their differences, or the fact he might have to share her with another man.

She was his.

There was something special between him and Trinity. And now, he needed her to let him into her heart, because she had already worked her way into his.

Chapter Eighteen

After placing an order for pizza and a quick cleanup, the trio retreated to the back patio with their food and a few beers. Trinity also grabbed a bottle of whiskey from Jackson’s bar and three shot glasses, which the men eyed warily.

“Haven’t you drank enough of the strong stuff tonight?”

“Don’t worry about me. I have an iron stomach, and I think we might need this for our discussion,” she said as she set it down on the patio table by the pool.

Jackson lit the fire pit, a large brick and stone circle that was near the pool, adding some heat to chase away the slight chill in the night air. They sat down and made quick work at devouring the two extra-large pizzas they’d ordered, all of them seeming to agree to stay on safer subjects while they ate.

When she’d had her fill of pizza, Trinity leaned back in her chair holding her beer. “I like your house, Jackson. At first, it wasn’t what I expected for you, but it’s peaceful here.”

Jackson shot Maxwell a look. He had wanted to bring this up, and now was the perfect opening. He just didn’t know how she would react. “I’m glad you said that, Kat, because I want you to move in.”

She froze with her bottle of beer at her lips, then she lowered it back to the table. “I’m sorry, what?”

“Jackson and I talked about this while you were busy with your friend earlier. You were attacked in my hotel. Even with the added security, I’m not willing to risk you,” Maxwell explained. “Neither of us are. Until we figure out exactly what is going on, I want you somewhere safe. If you are willing, both you and I will move in here with Jackson.”

She was quiet as she thought it over, and Jackson used that to push. “Hector used to be on the force with one of my dads. He’s retired now and watches over the property when I’m not here. Rosa and Maria also have sharp eyes and will tell us if they see anything out of the ordinary.”