Page 40 of Cross Point

Laughing, Trinity pulled back. “How did you find me?”

“I hacked your phone for your location.”

“Of course, you did.” Trinity couldn’t even say she was surprised. “Let’s get the fuck out of here and go have a drink.”

“Sounds good.” Without asking, Nikita opened the trunk of the car so Trinity could store her case away. “But they might have something to say about it.”

“Damn it, Katrina! Where the hell are you going now?” Jackson called out.

“I’m going for a drink with my friend. And no, you aren’t invited. This is going to be a penis-free evening!” Pulling the keys to her convertible out of her pocket, she tossed them at him. “Give those to Max.”

Trinity climbed into the passenger seat as Nikita started the car. Her friend glanced through the window at the two men now glaring at their vehicle.

“Which one is yours?”

Trinity sighed. “I guess both of them.”

Nikita snorted delicately. “I see you really embraced the island spirit. Are you just going to start collecting hot men now like a harem?”

“Fuck all the way off.”

Nikita’s laughter drifted in the wind as she revved the engine and took off.

Chapter Fifteen

It was early evening and the center of town was crowded with people, but they were lucky enough to find a parking spot close to Siren’s Cove. As Trinity and Nikita got out of the car and made their way toward the entrance of the bar, the doors opened and a group of women walked out.

Trinity immediately recognized Olivia, the woman she had met last time she had been in Siren’s Cove with Jackson. She was with another young woman and three older ladies who all seemed to be speaking over one another.

When Olivia glanced over, she gave a cheerful wave. “Hi, Trinity!”

“Olivia,” she said with a nod. “Nice to see you again.”

One of the older women linked her arm through Olivia’s and beamed a bright smile at them. “Olivia, honey, who are your friends?”

“This is my mother, Rosie Abbas. Mom, this is Katrina Cross and…”

“Nikita Nuria.”

“My, you two are certainly a striking pair. Are you both new to our little island?”

Trinity nodded. “Yes, ma’am.”

“Oh, so polite! How long are you here for?”

“Not long,” Nikita replied.

“That’s undetermined yet,” Trinity said at the same time her friend spoke.

“Are you beautiful girls married yet?”

Nikita held up her tattooed ring finger. “Yep.”

Trinity shook her head and didn’t like the speculative gleam that was in the older woman’s eyes. “Olivia, have you told them about our upcoming auction?”

“No, I just—”

“That’s okay. Now is as good a time as any.” Rosie smiled sweetly. “We are hosting a charity auction soon. I’ll have an invitation delivered to you with all the details. But while we have you here, we should talk about how you can participate.”