Page 35 of Cross Point

Maxwell’s blue eyes frosted over as he finally met Jackson’s gaze. “And you are? Please, Lieutenant. I’m here on the island enough to know about the broken hearts you’ve left behind. Can’t let a woman get too close to that fucking ice-cold heart of yours.”

“Like that’s any worse than you? I’ve seen you with the women you’ve brought with you to the island. They call you the playboy king for a reason.”

“You say that like you’re any different,” Maxwell scoffed. “No matter how quiet you’ve tried to keep your extracurricular activities, I’ve heard all about the bedroom games you like to play.”

Jackson cursed viciously.

“I know firsthand that Trinity won’t play how you like it. So, you may want to think about that.”

“I know she’s not submissive.”

“Not a single bloody bone in her body.” Maxwell’s gaze was serious. “Be sure. I mean it, Jackson. She won’t do it. We went through this last night, and she made it clear. She’ll shut down if you try to push her into something she doesn’t want or try to change her to be what you need.”

That made Jackson angry. “I’m not looking to change her. I want her just the way she is. You’re just saying this so you can have her all to yourself. She’s not just some vacation fuck for me.”

Maxwell’s fists clenched, then he relaxed his hands again. “This is getting us nowhere. My past relationships have nothing to do with how I feel for Trinity. Being with her…it feels right. She gets me, and I’m guessing it’s the same for you.”

Jackson nodded. “So, are we really going to try this?”

“I won’t give her up. I’m already falling for her. She’s already mine.”

“The hell she is!” Jackson snarled. “She’s mine!”

Maxwell let out an impatient breath. “We can’t come at her arguing like this. She’s likely to give us both the boot.”

“Or a swift kick to the nuts.”

Maxwell snorted at that. He got up and threw the anchor into the water to make sure the boat stayed in place. “Damn right. If we’re sure, we have to show her that we are in this together. That both of us want her, and we’re both going to try and make this work. For all of her bravado, she’s been hurt in the past.”

Jackson’s jaw clenched as he thought about the scars that he’d seen. “I noticed.”

“I’m not just talking physically. It’s like…” Maxwell turned away from where he had been watching the shoreline and searched for a way to explain what he sensed. “It’s like she’s waiting for us to reject her. To let her down.”

“Well, she’ll be waiting a long time because that won’t happen.” Jackson sighed. “Look, I know I fucked up by not calling, but I’ve been thinking about her every fucking second since I last saw her. She makes me feel. It’s like…before I met her, I was seeing in black-and-white and I didn’t even know it. She’s brought color into my life. Vibrant, sometimes painful to see color, but I can’t go back to the dark.”

“I feel the same,” Maxwell admitted. “Listen, I know you’re a good man and a good cop. Once we get to know each other better, I’m sure we’ll end up being the best of friends, especially if this situation works out. I want to be honest, though. One of the reasons I’m agreeing to this…partnership is because of her job. Even if she cuts back on her intrigues, she will still be in danger. I think knowing there are two of us watching out for her will help me sleep at night.”

Jackson thought about that for a moment and couldn’t help but agree. “You’re right. She needs the two of us to watch out for her. And if you ever say that to her, I’m going to fucking deny it.”

Maxwell laughed. “I’m not that stupid, mate.”

“So, let’s go claim our woman.” Jackson stood up and gaped as he looked toward the beach. “Fuck me, she’s laying there fucking naked!”

“Doesn’t look like anyone is around,” Maxwell commented as he pulled off his shirt. “Lighten up, Jackson. She’s a grown woman. Scolding her for the small shit is just going to make her rebel more, and drive you crazy.”

Jackson knew he was right. He quickly stripped off his own clothes and turned with a questioning glance as Maxwell made a noise in his throat.

“Looks like you two have that in common.”

At Maxwell’s gesture, Jackson glanced down at the various tattoos that were on his own body. He had been inordinately pleased when he had realized that the tribal tattoo on Trinity’s leg practically matched the one he had on his own right arm and shoulder. On his left shoulder was a dragonhead breathing fire. The flames curled around his pectoral muscle and the body of the dragon covered his entire back, with the tail curling around his left hipbone.

“You ever think of getting one?” Jackson asked as he studied the other man’s flawless body with a dispassionate glance.

“I haven’t, but I have a feeling I may have to change that.”

Jackson knew that he had an intimidating cock because of his length, but it seemed like Maxwell was packing his own weapon of mass. “You’re going to need to be careful with that thing. Katrina isn’t exactly a big woman.”

Maxwell’s grin was razor-sharp. “I didn’t get any complaints from her last night.”