She let out a self-deprecating laugh. “Yeah, actually that would be more accurate. Normally, I wouldn’t be telling you this. But in the scope of full disclosure, I needed to tell you since this thing between us is leading to us doing the same if I stay here with you tonight.”
He found her honesty refreshing even though her words infuriated him. “Was it someone on the island?”
“Does it make a difference?”
His teeth clenched as he fought to keep calm. “Yes, it does.”
She sighed as she sat down on the bed beside him. She told him about meeting Jackson after she’d almost been run off the road and briskly glossed over the rest of the evening with him.
“I know I can be…annoyingly outspoken at times, but I’ve found honesty and getting to the point makes my life a whole lot easier. I live and work in a world of shadows and need clarity when it comes to my personal life. Jackson was…uncomfortable with what happened between us. Where it happened, to be more specific. But this isn’t the first time I’ve made a man run scared.”
“I know Jackson. I’ve met him several times when I’ve visited the island before. So, it’s over?”
“Yes. No. I don’t know. He never called, so I guess so.”
“Then, he’s a fool.”
He could tell that startled her by the way her eyes widened as she glanced back at him. His heart melted when he saw the uncertainty there in her beautiful hazel eyes.
“I’m not exactly the normal type you go for, Max.”
“No, you’re not. What you are is brilliant, both in mind and heart. My brother and Tara said you were injured recently working a case, but you never hesitated to jump right into another to help your friends out. Then, when you have barely recovered from that, you come down here because a friend asked you to. Yes, I called them before I went to sleep,” he admitted before she could ask. “I thought it was only fair since I’m sure you’ve read all about me as well.”
She smiled at that. “True.”
“Someone tried to kill you, twice now, and yet, here you are. Tell me, have you considered leaving the island even once?”
“No. Well, yes, briefly, to go get more weapons. But I would come back after I stocked up.”
He smiled at her quick reply. “Your loyalty and dedication to your job and your friends speaks volumes of you. Yes, I’ve noticed that you tend to speak your mind, but honestly, I find it refreshing. Although it isn’t quite the same as your world, mine is also filled with individuals who lie and try to prevaricate instead of just telling the truth. I like knowing that you will tell me what you’re thinking. I find I like it quite a lot.”
Trinity’s breath caught in her throat at the gentle smile he gifted her with. Could it be possible that Maxwell could want her just the way she was? The real her? Over the years, she had gotten used to being rejected for her outspoken ways. She found comfort and acceptance with her friends and fellow agents and told herself that was all she needed.
But the truth was, she was looking for love.
Jackson’s rejection of her had hurt her more than she’d fully admitted to herself. It was something that a small part of her had been expecting. If you expected it, then it couldn’t hurt as much.
Or so she tried to believe.
Wanting to be completely clear, she bolstered her courage and said, “I’m not looking to be one of many, Max. You say that you want me, all of me, but if we do this and then you bail before we see where it goes, you’re going to make me hate you.”
“I think we could have something great between us, but we won’t know until we try. Are you willing to try, Trinity?”
Her breath quickened as his gaze heated and his blue eyes darkened with hunger.
For her.
Only for her.
“Did Jackson taste that sweet pussy of yours, Trinity?”
Oh, damn. He got right to the point.
“No. No, he didn’t.” She felt her pussy grow instantly wet at his slow, sensual smile.