Page 19 of Cross Point

“I’m intrigued. Tell me more.”

“There isn’t much to tell since I’m still floating the idea around.”

She was glad her friend couldn’t see her roll her eyes at that. “You’ve already decided to do it, whether you want to admit it or not. I think it’s a solid idea. Even if I don’t retire, I still want in. I can travel to Breakers between assignments, or plan to be there for a few months here or there whenever I can clear my schedule.”

Trinity watched Maxwell lock the door after retrieving the cart of food from room service. He’d spent a few minutes talking and laughing with the delivery person, making it clear that he knew whoever had come to the door. Since she had also ordered several bottles of water, beer, soda, and other drinks to replenish what she’d used from the stocked fridge over the last few days, they’d brought a loaded cart instead of a simple tray.

Pushing the cart through the living room, he left it near the open kitchen. He lifted a large tray with a covered plate, an ice bucket, and two stemless flutes on it from the top of the cart and carried it out to the balcony.

“Why the bloody hell did you—?”

He stopped talking when he noticed that she was on the phone. Setting the tray down on the table, he silently began to open the bottle of champagne she’d ordered.

“Actually, that might work better. Have a bunch of different agents come down on rotation to teach their own specialties. Although, I told Sin I don’t want to deal with new recruits since I might kill one of them if they get on my nerves.”

“The new recruits are the ones who need the training the most,” Trinity pointed out.

“Fucking hell,” Nikita muttered, then she let out a resigned sigh. “I guess you’re right. Anyway, I was considering making this sort of a retreat for active agents as well as a training facility. You know, somewhere quiet and secure people can come to if they need to get away for a little while. A friend of mine runs a boarding house for veterans and people doing rehab here in town, which gave me the idea.”

“I like it. It’s a good location since it’s almost in the middle of nowhere. No offense.”

Chuckling, Nikita said, “It’s all right. It is pretty off the grid which is one of the reasons why I live here. I think it would be ideal for anyone needing a little peace and quiet. It would also come in handy to have a location down here with an official stockpile of weapons and other equipment agents in the area might need.”

“That’s an excellent point. Speaking of, I know you probably already have a shit ton of weapons stashed away because, well, you’re you. I might need to make a quick trip over to borrow some things since I’m close by.”

That earned a sharp-eyed look from Maxwell that she chose to ignore. She gifted him with a grateful smile when he offered her a flute of bubbly liquid, and she lifted the glass in a silent toast before taking a sip.

“Where the hell are you? Aren’t you still on medical leave? Don’t you have an off button?”

“I’m on an island off the coast of Florida called Crescent Island.”

“Fantasy Island would be a more accurate name for that place,” Nikita said with a snort of laughter. “I’ve never been there, but I’ve heard enough crazy shit about that place to be curious. It doesn’t sound like you’re down there for fun, though.”

Trinity considered how much to share, then simply said, “I’m doing T-rex a favor.”

“Aw, hell. Those can get you killed.”

She snorted out a laugh. “Don’t I know it.”

“You need backup?”

That simple offer made Trinity’s heart swell with pride. It was one of the reasons she loved being an IAD agent so much. They might have been a hardcore group of badass that were scary as fuck, but they were also damn loyal and would do anything to help one another.

“I think I’ve got it for now. It’s not an official mission, but I will let you know if I need anything.”

“Send me the details just in case.”

Before she could respond, Nikita ended the call.

While that amused Trinity, it wasn’t unexpected. Now, she just hoped she wouldn’t actually have to call in for help because the last time she and Nikita had worked together, a lot of shit had blown up and they’d almost died. Luckily, they had survived so it had been worth a little destruction of property.

Thinking it over, she decided it might actually be good if Nikita decided to join her on the island. It would be fun for her, and a nightmare for everyone else.

And that would definitely be entertaining as hell.

Chapter Seven

Trinity started to put the phone down, but it rang in her hand. She was just going to send it to voicemail, but Maxwell waved her to it as he headed back inside.