It wasn’t just about his physique—though his body was incredible. It was… Being with Jackson was like coming home. And I hadn’t realized how lost I’d felt.
Admitting that to myself was scary. But the idea of trusting him again was even more terrifying.
I closed my eyes and replayed the past few days, from reconnecting with Jackson to Edward’s surprise to Jackson’s declaration to Edward’s departure. It had been…a lot.
I didn’t regret turning Edward down. There was no way I could marry him. I think, deep down, I’d always known that. But his comments about wanting something that was “a fantasy” had struck their mark, even if I hadn’t deemed them worthy of a response.
Love. Passion. Those things can and will fade. And when they do, you’ll realize just how wrong you were.
Maybe those hadn’t been Edward’s exact words, but that was what I’d heard.
I didn’t want to think this…thing between Jackson and me was lust, but sex had never been an issue for us. Trust had. Honesty.
Would this time be different?
I’d said this was only for one night. I’d wanted closure, and yet here I was, considering more. More…sex? A relationship?
So much had changed, including us. We were better equipped to withstand challenges, but would our passion cool with time? I didn’t want to think so. Besides, the mere idea seemed laughable. Jackson and I were just as attracted to each other now—fourteen years later—as we had been then.
I inhaled and let it out slowly, trying to push away the negative thoughts and consider what I wanted. What I believed.
Jackson made me feel safe. He’d kept me safe throughout the trip, even if he worried his feelings for me compromised his focus. I understood his concern, but if anything, the fact that he loved me made me believe he was even more motivated to protect me.
Sure, I’d accused him of acting out of jealousy last night, but Jackson was right to remain vigilant. And of the three of us, Jackson was the one who’d kept his cool.
I wanted him to stay. On the boat. In my life.
I wanted more time with him. More time to explore what this was. What we could be, despite my fears.
“I can hear you thinking from over here.” Jackson’s morning voice was deeper, husky.
I couldn’t help it. I laughed and opened my eyes. “Morning.”
I still couldn’t believe he was back in my life. In my bed. It had been a shock to see him there yesterday morning, and the results still hadn’t worn off today. I didn’t know how long it would take me to get used to the idea of waking up next to him every day, but it made me smile.
“How are you feeling?” Jackson asked.
I stretched. “Okay. You?”
“Okay,” he said, though he seemed unsure.
“I’m sorry for putting you in an awkward situation last night.”
He scrubbed a hand over his face, tucking his arm behind his head. “It wasn’t your fault your ex showed up.”
“No.” I slipped my hand beneath my cheek. “But I shouldn’t have accused you of acting out of jealousy.”
He chuckled. “You weren’t wrong. I was jealous.”
I linked my hand with his. “Surely you see that it’s over between Edward and me, right?”
Jackson gave my hand a squeeze then released it. “For you, yes. Though I’m concerned.”
“About what he’ll do?”
He lifted a shoulder. “I’ll tell Hudson, and they’ll keep an eye on things.”
“Then what’s concerning you?”