Page 70 of Redemption

I needed him to set a relentless pace until he pushed me over the edge into oblivion. Until I forgot about the past or the future. Until my entire existence boiled down to where our bodies connected and nothing else.

“I’ve got you.” He slid a hand down my throat, collaring me. I was completely at his mercy and under his control.

He guided me so our bodies were pressed together. Until the weight of his hand rested over my heart. And for that moment, I allowed myself to relax in his hold, to trust that Jackson would keep me safe.

“That’s it,” he said, coaxing my orgasm from my willing body. “Shout my name to the stars while I fill you with my come.”

I spasmed around his cock right before he increased his pace, losing control of his movements as he unleashed himself.

I leaned my head back against his shoulder, trying to catch my breath as I stared at the stars as if for guidance. Jackson’s chest was warm against my back. He held me, nuzzling my neck as he whispered words of praise. Tears formed on my lashes. So much for keeping my emotions out of it.

Now that some of my earlier desire had cooled, the enormity of what I’d just done came crashing over me. I shivered.

“Come on.” Jackson gave me a squeeze. “Let’s go to bed.”

He followed me down the stairs to my cabin, his hands on my hips as we made our way to my bed. I lay beside him, and he pulled me into his arms. It felt so natural, yet strange all at the same time. A few weeks ago, the idea of spending a night with Jackson would have been inconceivable. And yet…here we were.

“What’s this one for?” I asked, tracing a line of text along Jackson’s ribs. It had the words “Acta non verba” in a handwritten font.

“My dad used to say that phrase a lot. It means actions, not words.”

I hummed. “You are definitely a man of action.”

He arched his hips as if to emphasize my statement, and I laughed. “Jackson.” I slapped his chest playfully. “That’s not what I meant.”

“Mm.” He rolled so that he was leaning over me, his cock already hard against my thigh. “You sure?”

“Is this his handwriting?” I traced my fingernail along the line of his ribs, and he let out a shaky breath. I smirked, and he fell back on the bed.

“Yeah. When we were helping my mom move last year, I found some of his old letters.”

“How is your mom?” I asked. I’d tried to check on her more regularly since the stroke.

“She’s good. Yeah.” He seemed distant, but maybe he was just lost in thought.

“Hey,” I said, caressing his jaw. I couldn’t seem to stop touching him. “You okay?”

“Yeah. Yeah. I’m good.” He tucked one arm behind his head, keeping the other wrapped around me. “I just worry about her, you know?”

“I get it. I worry about her too, and she’s not even my mom.”

“You say that, but I know she thinks of you as her honorary daughter.”

I smiled. “She’s always made me feel like part of the family.”

“You are part of the family. Greer thinks of you as a sister. And you’ve probably spent more time with my family than I have.”

“You could do something about that, you know,” I said, half teasing, half serious. I knew Belinda would love to spend more time with Jackson. Greer as well.

“I’ve just been so busy, especially since I was assigned to the Crawford residence.”

“The Crawford residence,” I chortled. “It sounds so formal.”

“Hey.” He tweaked my nipple, and I hissed as my core flooded with heat. “The safety of our clients is serious business.”

“I know, and I appreciate your dedication. I’m sure it isn’t easy to protect someone like Nate.”

Jackson nodded. “Protecting a celebrity definitely has its challenges.”