“When do you want to head out?” he asked, sidestepping any further objections. “I left pancakes in the microwave if you’re hungry.”
My eyes widened, my questions forgotten. “The banana ones?” He’d always made them for me when I’d spent the night, but I hadn’t eaten them in years.
He nodded, his expression sheepish.
“Thanks.” I was touched and trying not to let myself read too much into it. He’d made pancakes. So what? Jackson had volunteered to do most of the cooking after all. Still…they were Jackson’s banana pancakes. “I’m going to make some coffee. Want some?”
“That would be great.”
“Great,” I added, then kicked myself. Why did this have to be so awkward?
I headed down to the galley, preparing the coffee before going back on deck with the pancakes and coffee. Jackson took a mug from me with a thanks. I’d considered eating below deck, but the weather was too gorgeous to stay inside, even if I wanted to hide from Jackson and all the tension that filled the air between us.
I cut into one of the pancakes, the smell of lazy mornings filtering through my mind.
“Mm.” I pressed myself to Jackson’s back. “What are you doing? Come back to bed.”
Between my class schedule, his work schedule, and the fact that we were sneaking around, it was rare that we got to spend a morning in bed together.
“Making you breakfast.” I peered over his shoulder to find him mashing a banana with a fork. He turned his head, giving me a kiss.
“Looks more like baby food,” I teased.
He smirked and turned his attention back to the bowl. “You’ll see.”
I gently raked my nails down his bare back, admiring his muscles and tattoos. He shivered. God…he was so hot.
“Sloan,” he growled.
“What?” I asked in an innocent tone.
He glared at me. “You know what.”
I slid my hands up his back then down again with my nails. “Do you want me to stop?” I wrapped my arms around him.
“You know I don’t.” He had a smile in his voice as he placed one of his hands over mine.
“You okay?” Jackson asked, bringing me back to the present.
While I’d been stuck in the past, he’d been preparing the boat to cast off. “Yeah.” I shoved the last bite of pancake into my mouth. “Yep.”
It wasn’t too late to back out now. Cancel the rest of the sailing trip. Go home.
But being on the water yesterday had been so lovely. And today promised to be just as nice.
I sighed and glanced down at the friendship bracelets Brooklyn had made me. I fingered the beads, reading the text on each of them.
Smooth Sailing.
Captain Sloan.
Fuck it. This was my ship, and I was done walking on eggshells.
I glanced over at Jackson and found him watching me. “What?”
He turned his attention to the bow, where a cargo ship was far off on the horizon. “Nothing.”