She placed a hand over her heart, canting forward as if to catch her breath. “What the hell were you doing? You scared me half to death.”
“I’m sorry.” I reached out as if to place a hand on her back—to comfort her—before stopping myself. “But what was I supposed to do? You attacked me.”
I hated that she was scared, but I was impressed by her response. Hell, she’d been able to get a drop on me, and that was no small feat. My chest bloomed with pride—all those self-defense lessons I’d given her years ago had paid off.
“Because I thought you were boarding my boat in the middle of the night.” She stood, and that was when I realized what she was wearing.
A silk tank top that flowed over her skin, her nipples pebbled beneath it. And a pair of shorts so tiny they were scarcely more than underwear. Holy… My mouth went dry as I greedily scanned her form, unable to stop myself.
Her hair was mussed from sleep. And with her face devoid of makeup, she looked younger. More like my Sloan and less like the billionaire SVP she’d become.
When I finally met her eyes, the look of hunger in them was undeniable. It didn’t matter how many years had passed or how much heartbreak we had between us, my body still craved her touch.
God, how I wanted to touch her. Kiss her. Taste her.
What I wouldn’t give to hear her rasp my name while I was buried deep inside her.
It wasn’t just about the sex. Though, the sex had always been amazing. It was the way she looked at me. Knew me. It was in our connection.
Slowly, she dragged her eyes from my chest. “I heard a motor in the distance, and it made me think of your clown pirates.”
“Clown pirates?” I frowned, still trying to get my bearings. I forced my eyes off her chest or anywhere else I shouldn’t be looking.
“Yes. The ones who ride Jet Skis and board boats in clown masks.”
“Oh. Right.”
Right? No. Fuck. What the fuck am I doing?
I took a step back, willing my dick to calm down. She was my principal. And she was in a relationship with someone else.
I desperately needed to put some distance between us before I did something stupid. Before I said to hell with the rules and made her mine.
Icrossed my arms over my chest. Gratified by the way Jackson’s attention darted to my breasts, his gaze lingering and heavy like a caress. The muscles of his chest rippled, along with his tattoos. God, he was glorious.
And then I saw it. The outline of his cock against his athletic shorts—thick and heavy and hard. Oh my…
I swallowed, my eyes darting back to his. My breath hitched when I looked into his blue eyes, which was perhaps even more dangerous. No one had ever looked at me the way Jackson did—as if I were the air he breathed and he’d die without me.
I’d forgotten what that felt like. How…all-consuming even just one look from him could be.
I took a step backward, my hip connecting with the galley counter. I gripped the edge to brace myself. It was late. This was reckless. We had a long day of sailing ahead, and we’d both need our rest for tomorrow.
I forced myself to turn away from him and head to my cabin. “Good night, Jackson.”
He said nothing, but I could feel the tension in the air. It practically vibrated with desire and longing.
I closed the door to my cabin and immediately flipped the lock. I wasn’t sure whether it was more to keep Jackson out or me in, though I knew he’d never enter without being invited. Somehow, even after all this time, even after the lies we’d told and the pain he’d caused, I found that I trusted him.
I willed my body to calm down. Cool down.
I wasn’t aroused. I was…riding the adrenaline high from thinking there was an intruder. If I was aroused, and that was a big if, it was due to muscle memory, nothing more. The tightening of my nipples and heating of my core had nothing to do with Jackson.
Sure, he was handsome, objectively speaking. Rugged and strong, his muscles honed from years of service, first as a Navy SEAL and now as an executive protection agent.
But I’d just broken things off with Edward. And even if it had been a long time coming, I wasn’t ready to jump into bed with someone else, let alone with an ex—tempting as it might be.