“Psh.” She tried to brush aside my concerns, but I wasn’t buying it.
“What do you mean, psh?” I asked. Greer didn’t do laid-back. She didn’t go with the flow.
“I just…” Her voice cracked, and my heart ached at her distress. “I need a break. And we haven’t taken a girls’ trip in years.”
“I know, but…are you sure? This all seems so sudden.” I asked, all worries about keeping my previous relationship with Jackson a secret fading in the face of concern for my best friend.
“Yes,” she said. “Yes,” she said again. More resolutely. “Besides, I’m worried about you. Two months alone at sea is a long time.”
“Actually…” I hedged. “There’s something I need to tell you.”
“Now, I’m worried.” She said it in a teasing tone, but I could hear her unease all the same.
“No. It’s just…I won’t be alone.”
“Edward?” She paused. “I thought he got motion sickness.”
“He does. And it’s not him.” I clasped and unclasped my watch, spinning it around my wrist. “We broke up.” And I had yet to shed a single tear.
If anything, I felt relief. Our relationship had been built on mutual respect. Compatibility. For a long time, I’d thought that was enough. Told myself it was enough.
“For real?” She sounded almost…hopeful.
“Yes. For real.”
She shrieked, and I was grateful I hadn’t been holding the phone to my ear. “OMG. Who’s with you, then? A new boy toy? One of your brothers?”
“No to the boy toy.” To both. “And we only recently ended things.”
“Are you okay?” she asked, her tone softening.
“I am.” I smiled.
“I’m glad.”
“About me or the breakup?”
She laughed. “Both. So, are you going to tell me who’s going on the trip with you so I can stop putting my foot in my mouth?”
“Is that even possible?” I teased.
“Har. Har. Who’s going with you?”
I hesitated a moment, my heart rate always quickening at the thought of the threats. “You know those nasty notes I received?” I’d told her about the first one because I’d thought it was a joke. But then she’d insisted I keep her posted, so I had.
“My brothers made me hire a bodyguard.”
“Finally,” she sighed. Shit. Had she been that concerned for me too? “Is he hot?”
“He’s…” I swallowed hard. “Your brother.” And yes, he’s hot.
She was quiet for so long that I glanced at the screen to make sure we were still connected. We were.
“Greer?” I prompted.
“Sorry.” She sounded almost…dazed. “I think it must have cut out. You said something about your brothers.”