Nate frowned. “What kind of leverage could she possibly have on you?”
“Not just on me.” Sloan linked her hand with mine, and I tried not to let my nerves show. “On us. Jackson and I are together.” She explained what had happened, in PG terms.
“Unbelievable,” Nate said. “Wow. Just when you think people can’t get any worse.”
Jasper nodded. “I’m sorry that happened to you, Sloan. That’s bullshit.”
“I’m glad Jackson was there to protect you,” Knox said.
Graham said nothing. And while I knew he was a man of few words, his silence was putting me on edge.
Nate was the first to offer his congratulations, and Knox shook my hand, offering his as well. I appreciated their support. Two down, two to go.
Jasper spoke next. “This is actually perfect timing.”
“It is?” I asked.
“Yeah. The four of us were going to hang out tonight.” He turned to me. “You can join us.”
“I don’t think that’s a good idea,” Sloan interjected.
“Why not?” Jasper asked, a mischievous lilt to his smile.
“Yeah?” Knox furrowed his brow. “Why not? We want to get to know your new boyfriend. You should be happy.”
Sloan narrowed her eyes at them, and I got the sense that this evening was going to be a test of some sort. Shit.
“Come on,” Knox said, heading for the door. “We can go to my house since the bridal shower is at Nate’s.”
“You agreed to have the shower at your house?” I asked Nate. “Is the team?—”
He cut me off, placing his hand on my arm. “The team has it covered. Besides, you no longer work for Hudson, or me, remember?” He said it with a teasing grin.
“I—” I chuckled. “Yeah.”
“You work for me now,” Graham said.
“With us.” Sloan emphasized each word. “Jackson works with us as the CSO.”
“Technically, he’s still our employee.” Graham wore an imperious expression. “Your relationship is a conflict of interest.”
“Which is why we’d planned to disclose it to the board,” Sloan said.
“Great. Sounds like it’s settled, then,” Knox said.
Nate clapped his hand on my shoulder and ushered me toward the door. “We’ll leave you to get ready for the party,” he said to Sloan.
“Wait. Stop.” Sloan grabbed his arm. “Jackson and I had plans.”
“Yeah, I—” I rubbed the back of my neck. “We had plans.”
“You’re not her bodyguard. You’re no longer contractually obligated to spend every moment with her,” Jasper teased.
“Besides, Sloan’s going to be at the party,” Knox said. “And she’ll have Shea with her.”
Sloan huffed, but we both knew it was a losing battle.
“Are you good?” I asked Sloan, my eyes locked on her. Because if she wasn’t, I would fight tooth and nail to stay with her. “Shea’s in the hall if you need anything. But if you’d rather I stay…”