I tried to blame my restlessness on work, but even I knew there was more to it. Things with Edward had been…strained lately. It was almost as if he was trying to punish me for taking too long to give him an answer about moving in together.
Then there was Jackson, and the possibility that I might run into him.
Jackson Shaw, I sighed.
My best friend’s older brother. My first love. And apparently, a member of Nate’s security team, something I hadn’t realized until Abu Dhabi.
Up until that point, I’d tried to forget all about him. Greer mentioned Jackson every so often in passing, but I usually tried not to pay too much attention. But now that I’d seen him again, I couldn’t stop thinking about him, despite not wanting to.
For months, I’d been dying to ask Nate about Jackson. About how long he’d been working for him and so many other things besides. But I didn’t know how to bring it up without sparking questions I didn’t want to answer.
I’d considered asking Disco about Jackson. But every time I’d come close, I’d lost my nerve. Now that I was going to meet up with Nate and his family, I was on edge. Almost as if waiting for Jackson to pop out from behind a corner.
It was silly, really. I was being ridiculous.
For all I knew, Jackson could’ve been temporarily assigned to Nate in Abu Dhabi, like Disco was temporarily assigned to me in London. I’d never once seen Jackson during my other visits to LA before or since our run-in in Abu Dhabi.
Yeah. I told myself. A temporary assignment—that must be it.
Even if I saw him now, I could be cordial. We’d been together…so long ago. It practically felt like another lifetime. Like a dream…
“Auntie Sloan?” Brooklyn asked, dragging me out of my thoughts.
“Sorry.” I smiled. I was missing out on precious time with my niece because I was distracted by thoughts of Jackson. Enough. “I brought you something.” I reached into my bag.
She squealed when I pulled out a tin of her favorite cookies from the Huxley Grand London.
Though there were many menu items we kept consistent across the world, each location also had some unique local delicacies. The Huxley Grand in Paris had the best éclairs and croissants. The most amazing choux buns. The Huxley Grand in London was known for its decadent high tea. And our famed tinned cookies were provided in all the suites and sold in our gift shop. Brooklyn was obsessed with them.
“Thank you!” Brooklyn beamed then handed me a few friendship bracelets. “I made these for you.”
I smiled as I peered down at the bracelets with their colorful designs and inspirational phrases. Brooklyn was a huge fan of Taylor Swift, and so was Emerson—her dad’s fiancée.
I’d always been protective of Brooklyn. She was like a daughter to me. And her egg donor, Trinity, was a piece of work. But Emerson… I smiled. Emerson was everything I would’ve hoped for for Brooklyn—Nate, too. She was driven and kind and loving. Despite my initial hesitance because of the speed—and surprise—of their engagement, I adored her.
“These are amazing! Thank you.” I slid the bracelets onto my wrist next to my watch. There was one with beads that spelled “Unstoppable.” Another with “Smooth Sailing.” And the third read “Captain Sloan.” That was probably my favorite.
“I also brought these.” I grabbed another tin from my bag. It was identical to the first, except the goodies were all gluten- and oat-free. “For Sophia and her family.”
Brooklyn scanned the label and brightened. “All gluten free? For real?”
I smiled. “Yep!”
A few years ago, Jasper had issued a challenge to Huxley Grand properties across the world to make allergy-friendly versions of guest favorites. Our team had exceeded all our expectations. Even I couldn’t tell the difference between the two. The texture and flavor were identical.
“She’s going to love it!” She threw her arms around my neck once more. “Thank you.”
“I’m glad.” I smiled and turned to Nate and Emerson as they entered the room.
Emerson wore a cute matching athletic set in bright colors, her long blond hair in a bouncy ponytail.
“It’s good to see you,” Emerson said, giving me a hug.
“You too.” I smiled. “How was your Peloton class?”
It was the second Peloton class they’d taught together, and I could see why everyone was clamoring for more. I’d streamed their first one live and had replayed it several times since because it was that good. I’d loved their dynamic, and so did everyone else. Emerson pushed us to work harder, and Nate made us laugh during the class.
“Great.” She grinned just as Nate groaned. Served him right.