I glanced back at the villa, confirming that Jackson was still inside. I considered denying it, but I knew Nate. And he knew me.
I glared at him. “Promise you won’t say anything to the others.”
“I won’t…” He leaned back, crossing his leg at the knee. “But only if you answer my questions.”
“Not fair!”
He chuckled, and I wanted to reach through the phone and strangle him. “When did it start?”
I sighed. “It’s a long story.” Even if it was a relief to talk to someone about it.
“I’ve got time.”
“I sincerely doubt that,” I said, knowing that Nate was always short on time. Between his family and his production studio, his time was a rare commodity. That said, he’d always made time for me.
“Come on, Sloan. Tell me.”
I hesitated a moment, debating. If I didn’t talk to someone about this, I was going to explode. I’d been keeping this secret for years, and the past had finally caught up with me. I wanted—no, I needed—a second opinion. And I trusted Nate to be honest.
Before I knew it, I’d told him everything. How Jackson and I had met. How he’d broken my heart. How he wanted a second chance. Through it all, Nate listened patiently, only occasionally interrupting to ask a question.
“I had no idea, Sloan. I wish you’d told me sooner. I’m sorry you were in so much pain and dealing with all of that on your own.”
I lifted a shoulder. At the time, Nate’s career had been taking off. He’d left the family business to become an actor, and his life was insane.
“I had Gran,” I said. “I told her about Jackson and me before she died.”
“I’m glad, but you know I’m always here for you, right?”
I nodded. “I do.”
“And I think you’re smart to take it slow,” he said. “To focus on getting to know each other again, as you are now. You’ve changed a lot in the past fourteen years. I’m sure he has too.”
“Thanks, Nate.” I chewed on my lip. “So, you don’t think I’m crazy?”
“Love makes us all a little crazy.”
That it does.
“And who am I to judge?” Nate grinned. “After all, I fell in love with my daughter’s nanny.”
“True.” I nodded. “But seriously, how do you think everyone else would react?”
“Knox can’t say anything, considering his situation. Jasper would probably be happy for you. And Graham, well, who knows.”
“What about Greer?” I asked. “I’ve kept this secret from her all these years, and I’m terrified of losing her.”
It almost seemed worse to tell her now, though the idea of telling Greer had never been easy. She’d always made it very clear to Jackson that her friends were off-limits.
Nate turned more contemplative. “You two have been friends for a long time. I’d like to think she’d support you. Hell—” He dragged a hand through his hair. “If Jude can get over the fact that his dad is marrying his ex-girlfriend, then you can only hope Greer will be as forgiving about her brother.”
I took a deep breath, considering everything he’d said.
“Trust yourself,” Nate said. “You’ve always had a strong inner compass. I know you’ll make the best decision for you.”
“Thanks, Nate.”
“Anytime. Now, I better get going. I know Brooklyn wants to play her song for you, but Em’s going to kill me if I make us late to dinner at her parents’,” he said. “I’ll send you a video of her song. Chat more soon?”