“He never strayed from the path he was set upon. He worked harder than most and it soon became apparent he was considerably above the rest of the students who bullied him, so they used him in another way instead and paid him to do their assignments. He earned a lot of money that they could well afford.”
“Shrewd.” It makes me laugh and Arman chuckles.
“It has always been business first with him, Ellie. He taught us to think in the same way.”
“Now I understand where you get it from.”
“I am one of six and no different from them.”
“God help me.” I roll my eyes and he grins.
“When he passed his exams with distinction, he had enough money saved from his business venture to pay for his flight and lodging to Switzerland, where he had secured an apprenticeship with a well-known bank. He would live there for two years to learn the business and he used the time wisely.”
“And met your mother.” I add, wondering how that happened.
“Yes. The official line was they met at a party in the town and were inseparable. Mama was at the Two Points finishing school and it was hard for them to meet up.”
“It sounds romantic.”
He snaps, “It does until you learn he also met his mistress there, who was one of my mother’s friends. I am still working out how that happened.”
“Can you ask your mom?” I ask tentatively, and he shakes his head.
“She is grieving. Ana, my sister, is trying to do some digging but mama appears ignorant of Veronica’s involvement with my father. I’m hoping Ana’s visit to The Rose Foundation will shed some light on that.”
I’m confused, and he smiles. “Because Adele Heatherington is listed as the director of the foundation. She uses her maiden name because it was formed not long after she returned from Switzerland. Having met the woman myself, I can tell she knows more than she is telling us and Ana is the perfect weapon to send in as a trojan horse because her particular super power is dissecting information. It could take months, which is why she decided to go in undercover as one of the accountants.”
“How did you manage that?”
I’m in awe of their powers, and Arman winks. “We have our ways. Ana will be known by another name with a completely different past history that is well documented and checks out right back to when and where she was born and how heavy she was.”
“You gave her a new identity. I’m impressed.”
“It’s just what she needs right now. To throw herself into business rather than grief. I almost pity The Rose Foundation. They don’t know what’s heading their way.”
“I can’t wait to meet her; all of them.”
The pressure in my ears tells me we are beginning our descent and as I strap myself in, Arman does the same and I smile. “Next stop Burning Roses, Arman. Are you ready for this?”
“What do you think?” He grins and as we touch down on the runway, I am high on adrenalin because we have full control of Burning Roses now and I can’t wait to unravel its secrets.
Marsha’s head office is meticulously clean and well organized. We are met by an efficient woman who introduces herself as Heather Arnold, Marsha’s personal assistant.
“I am so sorry for your loss.” The sympathy in her eyes is genuine as she addresses her remark to Ellie, who nods.
“Thank you. I appreciate that.”
“I understand you are Marsha’s beneficiary. If you have any questions, I am happy to help.”
Heather turns to me and I’m struck by her curious gaze as she says respectfully. “Mr. Romanov. I knew your father. You have my condolences too.”
“How did you meet?” Ellie asks and Heather shakes her head sadly.