Page 34 of Tangled Roses

His arm snakes around my waist and he pulls me flush against his body and I groan as his tongue sweeps inside, owning my attention and emptying my mind of anything other than this moment.

I don’t care how this looks. I don’t care that I am being so wanton. I hate the person I was and have thrown the rule book away.

I want him.

It’s as simple as that and this is my golden opportunity to give into my desires and fuck the consequences.

His cock is hard against my aching pussy and I am desperate for more. So much more but he pulls back and whispers huskily, “I think you know what happens next malysh and you now hold all the cards.”

He strokes a finger down my cheek. “You are so beautiful with desire lighting your face.”

I reach for his finger and suck it into my mouth with a deep groan and then say with a seductive smile, “I want to play the game, Arman, but just so you know, it’s only sex. The fact you’re here is the only reason it’s you.”

His eyes flash as I grin with a confidence that has come out of nowhere and he nods, his eyes darkening an even deeper shade of ebony if that’s possible.

“The fact you’re here, baby girl–” He winks. “Is because you are you.”

My breath catches as my heart flutters and as he leans in and pulls me in for a deep kiss, it’s as if I’m floating on air.

He wants me. Gabrielle Adams. The daughter of two twisted souls, who has no prospects, no ties and no money. I’m not the poised elegant supermodel he could have his pick of. I am nobody in his world and yet he still wants me.

It’s the greatest gift anyone has ever given me, and I kiss him back with a fierceness that surprises me. I do want him and I am a willing participant after all and as he pulls back and takes my hand, I follow him naked and silent toward his bedroom.



Iwasn’t expecting this. I’m not even sure why I brought her back with me. Perhaps it was the vulnerable expression on her face and the tears in her eyes that tugged at my heart?

I’ve always been a loner. Unlike my brothers, I don’t seek out female company for physical gratification. I hold myself more highly than that. I don’t use women and any sex I enjoy is because I actually like the woman involved.

I like Ellie. A lot as it happens. I’ve only known her for a few days and I can tell she’s been through a lot. It must have been hard being raised by her grandmother, surrounded by friends with hopefully loving parents. I’m not saying she wasn’t loved by her grandmother, but knowing my upbringing, surrounded by siblings and parents who loved me, it must have been hard for her.

The way she carried herself at the party impressed me. She was scared yet didn’t make a scene. She trusted me and I liked it. Protecting Ellie was something I had to do. I felt close to her and I’m guessing she is the first woman I’ve ever had that connection with.

Now she wants me. She could have said no, she did say no, and yet she’s curious. She wants the experience and, as she said, I’m the lucky man who happens to be here at the time.

This is a fuck and nothing more and tomorrow we will revert to the reason she is here in the first place.

The mystery surrounding my father’s death.

I lead her into my bedroom and as I close the door, I say casually, “Last chance, malysh. We can sleep or we can fuck. It’s your choice.”

“My God, do you have to sound so, well, um, businesslike?”

She shakes her head, causing me to chuckle softly.

“I can’t help the way I am, baby. Sentiment isn’t my strong point.”

Her eyes gleam as she points to the bed.

“Sit down.”

I raise my eyes but do as she says and then watch her sway toward me, the most magnificent sight I have ever seen in my bedroom.

Ellie is a beautiful woman. Tall, curvy and innocent, with a wicked edge to her that I like. She isn’t afraid to ask for what she wants, and it’s evident she wants this more than anything right now. I’m not delusional enough to think it’s me she wants. She’s just curious and so I remain silent and watch what she does next.

She reaches the bed and drops to her knees before me, wrapping her hand around the back of my head and drawing me in for a deep kiss.