Page 30 of Tangled Roses

As we make our way out of the party, Gabrielle hisses, “Are you trying to get me killed? What if you’re wrong? What if she tells her, um, well, lover about me and he finishes the job?”

We reach the door and as I hold it open, I whisper against her ear, “Because I believe that man could be your father, malysh, which could make for a very interesting showdown.”

Her shocked gasp follows me as Luka holds open the door to the car and as we slide inside, I have only one destination in mind.



Just my luck. My father is a government assassin.

Fuck my life. I have a whore for a mother and a killer for a father.

Kill me now.

I say nothing as Arman drives his treasured Mclaren away from the house of horrors and only when we have been traveling for thirty minutes does it strikes me we are not heading back the same way that we came.

“Where are we going?”

“My penthouse.”


I really hoped I would be heading back to the bomb proof room because I probably need it more than ever now.

“Because you are safer with me.”

“Am I Arman?” I shake my head. “I very much doubt that.”

My heart is racing at his words because I never expected this and I’m surprised to discover I’m happy with the arrangement.

I lean back in my seat and close my eyes, knowing he won’t make polite conversation. It doesn’t matter. I have nothing I want to say anyway because tonight has been a learning curve I would rather hadn’t happened. Just imagining what’s going on back at the house chills my blood and after a while, I say hesitantly, “Those poor women. They are in hell.”

“Are they malysh?”

“Of course, that was disgusting.”

I’m angry for them and Arman shakes his head.

“It is their business and they understand the rules. If they didn’t want to be there, they wouldn’t be. Nobody was forced to do anything and they are happy with the cash in exchange for their morals. Save your sympathy for their poor wives who are clueless about their husband’s sordid activities.”

I feel bad now because I forgot Arman’s father was one of those men and his wife wasn’t his plus one either. I suppose I never thought of it that way and, instinctively, I reach out like I did before and rest my hand on his leg. “I’m sorry. You’re thinking of your mom, aren’t you?”

He nods. “I can’t believe he kept this from her. From us. It’s as if he lived a double life and the two worlds never met.”

“Have you asked her if she knew?”

His frown deepens and he growls, “Why would she? She would be angry and upset, anyone would.”

“I’m only asking a question. There’s no need to bite my head off.”

To my surprise, he laughs softly and I snap. “Why is that so funny?”

“Because I love it when you’re angry.”

“You’re a strange man, Arman Romanov.”

Despite my frustration with him, I laugh and am surprised when his hand rests on mine and he asks, “Are you hungry?”