Page 27 of Tangled Roses

“I wouldn’t do this, Joel.”

My voice is calm and he hisses, “And why not?”

I sense the unease around me as I openly defy him.

“Because Gabrielle isn’t a whore. In fact, she accompanied me for a reason.”

Michael’s voice hits me like the lash of a whip.

“What are you saying?”


Gabrielle stands as if she is frozen and expectation hangs heavy in the air.

“I need a word in private.”

I angle my head toward the women facing the wall and Michael snaps, “Leave us!”

One by one they file out of the room and as Gabrielle makes to follow them, Joel snaps, “Stay where you are.”

She turns to me and I nod, and as she moves close to my side, I resist the urge to grasp her hand and squeeze it for reassurance.

As the door closes, the men turn and, from the distrust in their eyes, I may have just made a terrible mistake.



Iam physically shaking and almost choke on my own bile. This is the worst experience of my life and I am so far out of my depth I’m drowning.

Thank God Arman stepped in, but I’m not stupid enough to believe we are out of trouble yet and so I place my trust in him and hope he has a good excuse for interrupting this madness.

He now holds the attention of everyone in the room and says in a deep voice that sends shivers down my terrified spine.

“We need your help.”

The men say nothing and he faces them with an assured arrogance that takes no shit.

“Gabrielle is Marsha Steele’s daughter.”

My mouth drops because what the hell is he doing blowing my cover like this?

There is an audible gasp in the room and if anything, the tension increases.

Their attention is now firmly fixed on me and I don’t miss the uncertainty in their eyes and Michael hisses, “Explain.”

Arman is emotionless as he replies “My visit here today was not because of the business you have pulled from Romanov industries. We do not need your stamp of approval, or your investments, and you know it.”

I hold my breath because what the fuck is Arman doing? He is burning down his empire. For what?

Joel laughs cruelly.

“An interesting observation, but you are foolish if you believe you can survive without our help.”

Arman shrugs as if he doesn’t give a fuck about their help and says smoothly, “Gentlemen. We all know that my father was a founder member of this club and it works both ways. The Romanovs have invested billions in your projects and it would only take one signature from my brother to cancel your contracts.”

For the first time, I detect the power shift and a sense of unease hangs heavy in the air.